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"Karl, you really can't keep skipping shifts. The regulars miss you-" Karl sighed as his boss kept rambling on about the effects that were taking place in his absence.

"Do I have to remind you my boyfriend has lung cancer?"

"Do I have to remind you that you're broke?"

Karl stared at his phone before he hung up angrily. He practically threw the device down onto the table.

"Karl...?" It was no more than a whisper but Karl heard and turned around. Quackity had risen from the commotion and was now staring at Karl. The boy weakly smiled and tried to lift his arm up, failing as it fell limply to his side.

"Hey, baby," Karl leaned over the railing and placed a kiss on the smaller's forehead. "Are you holding up okay? Do you need anything?"

"I'm a bit hungry." He responded, falling deeper into the plush pillow.

"Oh! I can go out and buy you some food!" The other suggested happily. He agreed and Karl was off.

Quackity got weaker as the days slipped by. He was put on the lung cancer treatment because the hospital couldn't just let him die. But him, Karl and Sapnap would be in a lot of dept; and Quackity didn't want that. So he did the 'only reasonable thing' he could and called someone after Karl left to buy food. The boy kept convincing himself that this was the only way they wouldn't be in debt. He wasn't about to let them overwork themselves for him.

He dialed in the phone number he thought he would never see again, and let it ring before it picked up and a single word slipped through the line.



"So what you're saying is if I pay for your lung cancer you'll give me something I really want?" The ram clarified, sounding as if he already knew what it was.

Quackity turned away from the phone and into his second coughing fit that morning. The symptoms and side effects had subsided due to the treatment, but only by a little bit. "...Yes."

"And what might that thing be?"

The boy pursed his lips tight. His consciousness was screaming at him, telling him to stop and hang up. But his mind and heart were finally at ease, agreeing on something for once and reassuring him that this was the right choice. For Sapnap and Karl, right?

"Me." He managed to rasp out despite his throat burning like hell. "I will come back to you after I'm fully healed, but only if you help me."

"Why, of course! Why didn't you say something sooner, my love?"

Quackity winced and looked down at his lap, speechless at his own actions. At that moment, the boy heard footsteps. Karl's and Sapnap's to be exact. He widened his eyes and muttered a quick: "Alright, I'll call you later with details.", before hanging up quickly and letting his arm go limp.

"Hey, love! I bought your favorite snacks and picked Sapnap up along the way!" Karl said cheerfully as he stepped into the smaller's hospital room. "Don't worry, the nurse outside said these are safe to eat!"

Quackity smiled and sighed contently as Sapnap kissed his cheek. He relished in their presence, afraid Schlatt would take the process up too soon and cut their time together short. He couldn't bring himself to tell his boyfriends what he had just done, so he stayed silent. He wasn't planning on telling them anytime soon, and hoped it would stay that way.


little a/n; im sorru it otook tjis long but ive been procrastinating 🕴🏻🕴🏻 also clarification on why karl and sapnap r being charged aswell; they visited and sleptover so many days and nights so the hospital just saw them as family and put it on quackity's tab and they just accepted it 😕😕🤞🏻🤞🏻😀 anyways JOIN MY DISCORD LINK IN BIO!!! <33

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