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》˚I guess I should stop looking out for you. Like I always do.˚《

Quackity sat on his couch, putting on a random show. He knew nothing but sadness. If only he didn't blow up on Sapnap. Why didn't he know Sapnap was stubborn? He hit himself multiple times for it.

》˚When will you start looking out for me too instead of leaving me staring at my shoes?˚《

The man perked up when he heard the doorbell ring. He wasn't expecting anyone. Getting up and walking to the door, Quackity opened it to find Karl. He was surprised until he looked down and saw Tiger in a basket. Karl shoved the basket into Quackity, then turned around and walked away. Quackity wanted to scream out for Karl not to leave him. But he knew this was only for the best.

》˚It's just the way you're glancing at me. Something about you just makes me feel guilty for liking you.˚《

Quackity sighed, closing the door and silently thanking Karl for bringing him a companion to assist him on the lonely upcoming days. He pet Tiger, smiling. He'd have plenty of time to think about what he did wrong later. For now, he just needed to get Tiger comfortable. Quackity was contemplating on even keeping Tiger or not, seeing as he was already a very bad owner to him. 

》˚This is a love song for a boy who will never know it's about him.˚《

After feeding and washing Tiger, Quackity sighed contently and grabbed a pillow for Tiger to sleep on. He laid down, head next to Tiger's pillow. The boy almost fell asleep when he heard the shrill ring of the doorbell. He jumped, not expecting anyone else after Karl. Who could it be?

》˚I know it's pretty stupid but I'm much too shy to tell him.˚《

He got up, sneaking the door open, coming face-to-face with a tall man staring at him.

"Who are you?" Quackity inquired.

"Alex, correct?" The man asked in a deep voice.

"Yes...?" Quackity furrowed his eyebrows in confusion.

"I regret to inform you that your parents have sadly passed away at sea." The man's gaze softened slightly, but he still held his hard expression.

Quackity on the other hand, felt as if he had just been hit by a train. His heart dropped and his legs felt like jello. He looked up at the man.


"I'm sorry." Were the man's last words before he turned around and stiffly walked away.

He didn't even know how it happened. But now he really had no one. He didn't have Karl or Sapap to comfort him. He really didn't have anyone else to go to. The two people he loved the most didn't want to see him. His only family was dead. How did this happen?

》˚He's beaming that smile all the while.˚《

Quackity pursed his lips before shutting the door and letting his knees give in. He fell to the floor, allowing a rainfall of tears drop out. Tiger perked his head up, seeing a human curled up into a ball, sobbing. Tiger jumped off and went over to Quackity, sensing his depressive state. He licked his cheek, tasting the saltiness of the tears and jumping back, trying to get it off his taste buds. Quackity looked towards Tiger while still trying to stifle a sob, his eyes glossed over.

》˚I'm all choked up on my own throat I guess there is no hope.˚《

Quackity stood up, shaking. There was only one way out now.


little a/n; okay i was supposed to put it in this chapter but i decided it for next chapter uh uh uh idk why i made this so cliche and fast but yk for the plot!!!!!!!!!!! also were almost at 2000 reads :DDD

𝐈𝐊𝐈𝐆𝐀𝐈. 彡╹彡𝗞𝗔𝗥𝗟𝗡𝗔𝗣𝗜𝗧𝗬Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora