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"Alex!?" Quackity heard his name and looked towards the door.

"Karl?" He sat upright very slowly.

"Save your strength, Alex!" Karl exclaimed as he burst through the door and helped him lay back down. "I saw your text. What happened?"

Quackity stared down at his hands. "...Schlatt came. I needed someone to accompany me. Did Sapnap come with you?"

"No, something with his family. How're you doing?"

"Better now." The smaller could feel a small smile tug at his lips.

"Does this mean you've forgiven us?"

"You don't need to be forgiven. You've done nothing wrong."

Karl had wavering tears in his eyes, ready to slide over the edge. He then trapped Quackity in a hug, daring not to ever let go.

"You still need to explain you and Sapnap though." Quackity sniffled. He didn't know why he was crying, but Karl crying triggered his emotions like wildfire.

Karl stepped back before he crushed Quackity's bones and wiped the liquid away from his nose. "Sapnap and I were going to go to your house next that day. But uh... it seemed you had already caught us."

"My house? To do what?" 

"I was sick and depressed of not seeing you guys every day. I regretted every time I did not spend with you and I just missed you so much. So I made up with Sapnap, and we had confessed we liked each other." He started. "But then we also confessed..."

Quackity tilted his head.

"We loved you as well." Quackity felt as if all the air had been knocked out of him as he widened his eyes in disbelief. He had loved them for months without the courage to say anything and they had liked him back. It felt like a dream. Like a sick joke was being played on him.


Quackity jolted awake and immediately gasped for air. All of his limbs ached and his head hurt like hell. He looked around. No Karl.

All of it had been a dream. A sick, twisted dream that fucked with his mind. He was angry with himself for making him dream of something so unlikely. Karl and Sapnap had made up and were together. He had to get over it.

But he couldn't. So he called them.


"Alex?!" Karl burst through. He had a disoriented look in his eyes, his hair was more fluffy and ruffled than normal, and his outfit didn't match which only meant he was in a big rush.

"Karl." Quackity smiled. "You came."

"Yeah, I got your text. Are you okay? What happened?"

Everything went through like a straight blur. Quackity had grabbed the collar of Karl's bright red maroon turtleneck and confirmed it was real. This time, he didn't ask for an explanation. He instead grabbed him down to as low as his bed-ridden body would allow him and kissed him.


little a/n; I apologize for the extremely short chapter but anyways join my discord link in bio
no more discord lol
anyways i had to change the title cause i just realized there r 2 chapters w the same title lawl

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