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Brittany's POV
I wake up and find Quinn lying beside me with her arms wrapped around my waist. I gently pull them off and slide out of bed, not making any noise. I need to start planning this abduction, the sooner the better.

I've done this before, and it's probably one of the easiest parts of the job. Tina makes a sedative, I slip it in their drink. When they pass out I bring them here and lock them in the basement. We don't hurt them at first, just send a picture of them crying to their parents. But if they don't pay up soon, then we start to hurt them. The longest we've had to keep hold of someone was 4 days, but her daddy was too busy hooking up with prostitutes to check his email. Eventually he got her back, but not before we had knocked her about a bit.

I have two main rules when it comes to these things. My first rule is that I am treated with respect. If any of the spoilt brats are rude to me, they get a punch or slap. Simple as that. No exceptions. My other rule is that nobody is allowed to touch them without my permission. Quinn does the beating up, but that's as far as she can go. I'm not inhuman. I know that some other leaders use them to their advantage, but not me.

I finish out my base plan and work out who I'll need. Tina for the sedative, Finn as the 'cab' driver, Mercedes on security cameras. Conveniently, Puck is the bodyguard for the little princess as one of his day jobs, so he has her trust. And then I'll get Quinn to seduce her, buy her a drink or two, then slip the pill in it. One thing I noticed from Santana's social media is that she seems to be with a different girl in each photo. And they're doing a lot more than hugging. A bit more research and I found out that Santana is an open lesbian. That makes things a lot easier, Quinn is hot and the boys in our gang aren't exactly sex magnets.

I write out what I need each person to do and call them to my office one by one. Tina comes first because she needs the most time to work out what she's going to give Santana.
T-"This should be easy. What about you, you've been looking pretty stressed lately. Can I get you anything?"
B-"Thanks, but no thanks Tina. I need to keep a clear head for this job."
T-"I see what you mean. But remember, anytime you want anything just hit me up."
B-"I will. Thanks Tina"
T-"No problem Brittany."

I'm not lying when I said that I wanted to keep a clear head, but it's not the only reason. My parents depended on the drugs like they were keeping them alive, when in reality they were killing them. I never want to end up like that.

Next in is Mercedes. She shrugs when I tell her what I need her to do.
M-"Sure . These clubs always go for the cheap models of camera, getting into them will be no bother."
B-"I just need you to cover the main room. I got a floor plan and highlighted where cameras are."
M-"I'll get that done. See you later"

My chat with Finn lasts about 5 minutes, all I need to do is tell him the address and what to wear, and what car to bring. We have a black car that resembles a cab, and he can just wear dark clothes.

Puck shows up late and immediately slouches down in the chair across from me.
P-"Let me get this straight. You want me to help in the abduction and hostage taking of the girl I've been a bodyguard for, since she was like 5? Because her drug Lord daddy can't pay up."
B-"yeah, that's it. I know it's kind of a big ask, but-"
P-"I'm in."
P-"Hell yeah. Life has been way too boring lately. This should be fun, I've missed working with you."
B-"Same to you, Puck. See you later on, at the Dragon."
P-"See you."

Last of all, I call in Quinn.
Q-"You wanted to see me boss?"
B-"I keep telling you, call me Brittany or Britt. Boss sounds stupid."
Q-"Fine. So what part am I playing tonight? The hot drunk girl who wants to hook up with our little Latina."
I swear she can read my mind.
B-"Yep, that's it. You okay with that?"
Q-"Always. Nothing I like more than playing the dumb blonde."

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