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Santana's POV
It's finally the weekend, and Finns party is tonight. I'm actually kind of excited. Plus, Brittany said that she'll not do any work all weekend, and we're going on another date. But for now I need to get ready for the party. Kurt is sitting in my room looking through the clothes I brought back from my apartment.

K-"So it's a casual event, but you'll look hot in anything, so I think you should go with this."

He picks out a black leather skirt and a black tank top with lace around the hem and neckline. I take them from him and get changed, then come out the bathroom and show him.

K-"Perfect! Now wear it with the heels, and you're done."
S-"Thanks Lady Hummel."

I've taken to calling him that. I don't think he likes it, but he gets his own back by calling me Princess Lopez, and occasionally Satan. It's a weird friendship dynamic, but it works for us. Somehow.

I'm literally so excited for the party. Its starting in about an hour, and we've been setting it up all afternoon. We've ordered in pizza, got beers, and picked up the cake we ordered for him. Rachel even dragged out this karaoke machine. I'm going to force Brittany to do a song with me later, whether she likes it or not.

I sit in front of the mirror, doing my makeup. Kurt opens his mouth, then closes it again, then opens it and starts to speak.

S-"Yes Lady Hummel."
K-"Can I talk to you about something serious?"
S-"Uhm, yeah, I guess."
K-"Okay. So you know how me and Blaine are dating."
K-"I was thinking...I might propose to him."
S-"You're going to ask him to marry you?!"
K-"Keep your voice down! It's a stupid idea, I know."
S-"No! It's a great idea. You should definitely go for it."
K-"You think so?"
S-"I know so. I've seen many failed marriages, and I can tell that you and Blaine won't ever break up."
S-"Yes. Trust me."

He smiles, and I wave him away when he tries to hug me.

S-"No! I've just done these curls, don't mess them up."
K-"Calm down. I'm going to go check everything's in place. See you down there?"
S-"I'll get there when I get there."

He rolls his eyes and walks out. I finish my makeup and adjust my hair one last time, then go over to Brittany's office door. I knock on it, and open it when she says come in.

S-"Hey Britt-Britt."
B-"San! You look amazing!"
S-"Thanks! Are you going to get ready now? You promised that you'd go."
B-"Sure. Just give me a second, I'll shut down my laptop and get ready."
S-"Cool. By the way, I'm totally singing a karaoke song with you."
B-"Uhm, no. Absolutely not. I won't come."
S-"But you have to."
B-"Not if you're going to make me sing a song."
B-"Fine. I might sing with you."
S-"Yay! Okay, I'm going to go downstairs. See ya!"

I blow her a kiss and slip on my high heels, before going downstairs to the den. It looks great, and Rachel and Kurt are adding the finishing touches. Sam stacked up some old crates at one end of the room to make a stage, and the karaoke machine is sitting beside it. There had better be some Amy Winehouse on that thing, or there's going to be a riot.

Time passes, and the room starts to get busier. Brittany shows up, late, but making up for it by looking hot. She's wearing black skinny jeans and a white tank top, with an unbuttoned black satin shirt over the top. I walk over and hug her, then give her a quick kiss.

S-"You came!"
B-"I had to. What do you think of the outfit?"
B-"Thanks. Quinn chose it for me, while making quiet remarks about me 'getting laid tonight'."
S-"I mean, it could happen."
B-"It could. But let's not focus on that right now."
S-"Yes. It's time to partyyy!"

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