The Date

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(Jimin's P.O.V)

I woke up and see that I was laying on a bed, I thought to myself how did I get back home. The bathroom door opened to reveal yoongi standing there. He was shirtless and had a towel wrapped around his waist, I tried not to blush but the fact that he was standing there half-naked didn't help.

Gosh I've seen him like this before actually with less clothes but I swear to you he's body looks better everytime I see it. I look back at his face seeing a smirk on his lips. "Your staring kitten," he said with deep voice. Crap, I looked away quickly feeling my face heat up.

"Your allowed to look baby boy, it's yours right?" I felt his hand move my head to look at him. I nodded, he moved his thumb to my lips and parted them.

"You have a voice kitten, use it," he told me with a look in his eyes I've never seen before. "Yes master your mine," I said quietly but just enough for him to hear. 

He pulled away and stood up, "Come on get ready we're going somewhere," he said. "Where are we going," I asked him as I pushed my body up off the bed. "We are going on a date." "A date! Why didnt you say so sooner I would have been ready earlier." I said as I was about to get out of the bed, "Woah Jimin slow down. Come here sit down." He said while pulling me to his lap.

"I decided that because of what happened a couple of hours ago, I would do everything in my power to make you feel better so.... we will be going on little date to a restaurant of your choosing." He told me while caressing my softly as if I would break.

I thought out for minute before I remember that Jin's parents just opened a new restaurant, "Well Jin told me to try out the new restaurant, apparently his brother is the main chef there." I said hoping he'd want to go.

"Ok, but you call him to make sure he gives us a private room, I dont want anyone to get any ideas about taking you away from me." He said slightly pulling my waist towards his torso.

"I'll go call Jin to ask him," I say getting off of his lap and grabbing my phone.

After talking with Jin I went to the bathroom to try and find any pain killers for my stomach and face. I also needed to take shower so I was going to the bathroom either way. I had yet to look at the mirror in front of me until I had taken off my shirt.

My body was covered with bruises some black some were purple. There were scratches on my face and my bottom lip was busted. Damnit Jimin why couldn't you defend yourself against those girls.

I felt my eyes well up with tears, I heard a knock on the door, knowing it was Yoongi I told him to come in. He stopped for a second before looking at me with pure anger in his eyes, "I'm gonna kill those girls for what they did to you." He said clenching his jaw, "Yoongi please dont mention them right now, can you join in the shower please?"

After saying that Yoongi looked at me confused "Why do need me to take a shower with you." He asked well that sure got his mind off of what happend early today.

"Because I'm sore my body hurts and I wanted to maybe try somthing new, if your up for it that is." I said trying to sound more seductive on that last part. I've been wanting to try this out for a while but with Yoongi coming to my rescue. It felt like it was reward time.

"Now how could I ever say no to my kitten," he said walking closer to me and wrapping his hands around my waist. "Here I'll draw my own bath and you can help me wash myself." I said pulling away from his embrace and walking over to the tub.

After stripping and slipping into the nice and warm water I turned towards Yoongi with pleading eyes. "Come on I will try to not get you wet, but you should talk your pants off just in case." I say while biting my lip.

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