The Beginning

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(Jimin's P.O.V)

I was sitting there eating my Jam when Yoongi slams his hand on the table and yelled in my face, "Where is it!? I know you took it from me!!" 

I sighed I got up and look him in the eye, "I didn't take anything from you. I wouldn't want to get a disease." He looked mad at my words. Before I knew it he had my hands above my head, a few inches from my face. 

He came closer to my face. I tilted my head to the side and he whispered in my ear, "I going to ask you one more time kitten where is it?"

"I-I don't k-know, what-?" I stammered.

He interrupted me by saying, "Where is my computer Jimin I know you have it." 

"It's under your desk like always." I managed to say without stuttering. Yoongi backed away from my face. 

"I told you to never touch my stuff Jimin," he said and walked away.

That is Yoongi my stepbrother. He would usually do this sort of stuff when our parents aren't home. I hate being home most of the time, but I'm ashamed to say that I actually have feelings for him. But he's always teasing me. I mean who wouldn't have a crush on him I mean look at him.

 I mean who wouldn't have a crush on him I mean look at him

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(At school)

I was just about to open my locker when someone turns me and pushes me against the locker next to mine. 

"What do you want now Yoongi?" I asked a little annoyed.

"I need your friend Jin's number." He asked me.

" What for?" I said still annoyed. 

"Namjoon has a crush on him and wants me to get his number." He told me while rolling his eyes.

"Oh, tell him that I'll give it to him in the 3rd period," I said as I turn around to open my locker. I could feel a pair of eyes staring at me, so I look behind me I see Yoongi is still there. 

I sigh, "Is there something else you want or are you just staring at my back." He rolled his eyes and then left. I open my locker, grabbed my stuff and left.

(Time skip)

I was on my way to the lunch room when I heard my best friend Jungkook say, "Jimin wait up" He catches up to me and says, "I heard that Jin and Namjoon are dating. Isn't that great? He's lucky to have his crush like him back."

" Yeah it's great I'm really happy for him. I just hope Namjoon doesn't break his heart like he usually does to people." I say. Everyone knows that Yoongi's group breaks the heart of everyone they date, fuck them then leave them heartbroken.

"Yeah, I don't want to see him hurting either but he knows what he's got himself in to. Come on let's go get a bite." He says as we walk to the lunch room.

When I got home I went straight to my room, put down my stuff and changed into something more comfortable. Then I did some homework. A few hours passed and I began feeling hungry.

I wondered why my mom hadn't checked on me so I went downstairs. I saw a note on the table it was from my mom.

It said that she and Yoongi's dad went on a business trip and won't be back for a whole month which meant I was going to be alone with Yoongi for a whole month.

Oh fuck. Then I heard the door open and I froze. Yoongi came into the kitchen and he didn't speak or move. He just stood there.

(Yoongi's P.O.V)

I came home thinking that my parents would ask where I was and I didn't see them when I walked into the kitchen. I saw Jimin bent a little over the kitchen counter. I looked down his back I saw he was wearing some tight shorts.

I gulped when I realized how they complemented his ass his big fir- what am I saying. I then just looked away, cleared my throat and I asked, " Where are mom and dad?" He turned around, standing up straight.

(Jimin's P.O.V )

I looked at him his head was turned, "They are on a business trip and won't be back for a month." I say looking down.

" Really?" He asked. I nodded and he looked at me with a weird look in his eyes. Then he walked towards me, I step back only to hit the counter.

 He whispered in my ear, "Then we can finally have some around here."

 This is going to be a long month.

Sorry if this wasn't good I'm still new to this, please comment and tell me how to improve.

Thank you so much for reading


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