Orion - Part Bull (SFW - Part One)

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Minotaur (Male) x  Human Reader (Female):

Rules: (Y/N: Your Name), (E/C: Eye Colour)

"Do we have any more firewood? It's starting to get really cold in the cabin." I called out to Orion. He was Pulling weeds from our vegetable garden. The rain we had two nights ago seemed to have allowed them to grow much quicker than we liked and just this morning, the garden was filled with them. But now after Orion had been weeding, the garden was beginning to look great again. "No, I think we ran out the night it rained. You know? Because you kept telling me to keep the fire going because you're too stubborn to actually wrap a blanket around yourself?" He called back teasingly. "Yeah... Fuck you too." I yelled at him while flipping him off. I grabbed his axe while making my way to the forest. "Will do tonight, let's say after dinner?" He chuckles. I could only feel my cheeks flush, burning at his words, but a slight smile also playing at my lips.

I was currently living with my boyfriend, Orion. He's a Minotaur. Hence the fact we live in the middle of the forest. You see, he's not quite welcome back in my town. The townsfolk telling one another horrible stories on how beasts such as himself only live to hunt and kill men. Fortunately for them, those stories are false. Orion is such a sweetheart! He's kind, caring, sympathetic and not to mention hot! He's also my first love and first person...well...beast I had ever sexually been with.

We had met during a winter storm when I was younger. While in the forest, wanting to pick wildflowers for my grandmother who was sick at the time, I had gotten lost. He had found me and allowed me into his cabin. He is slightly older than me, but not by much. You see, when he found me, I was around eight years old. He was fourteen or fifteen at the time. So only six or seven years different. Now I live with him and try to prove to him all the time on how I'm not weak. Only for him to prove me wrong against himself. Of course it was only a playful competition. He knew how to really piss me off sometimes, which happened once and he said he would never do it again; describing that moment as, 'dreadfully terrifying.'

But anyway, I was already feeling a little down. I hadn't told Orion just yet, but I had recently found out that I was unable to have children. Of course, even the idea of having children with a beast such as Orion seemed crazy or unnatural, but I was in love with him as he was with me. I had made sure to cry and fix myself up before I came home. It broke my heart, and I didn't want to tell Orion in the first place, because of the fact that he was the one that suggested having children to me. I hated looking weak in front of Orion. It made me feel so unworthy of his love. I already did enough as of now. I didn't even know why I thought I was going to cut a tree down. I wasn't even that strong. Perhaps just to let off some steam as well. I had already grieved about the fact I couldn't have children,. And now, I'm just pissed.

Once I was surrounded by multiple trees, I only hoped that Orion couldn't see me. Lifting the axe, I held it high before swinging it until it hit the base of the tree. It chipped the tiniest bit. It wouldn't even be considered the start of cutting a tree down. If Orion was here, he would simply push the tree over or hack it down within a few swings.

Doing exactly the same as before, I swung at the tree. Again, and again, and again. But still I got nowhere. At this point, I continued to swing at it, letting out growls of annoyance. I wasn't even aiming for that particular part of the tree anymore, I was hitting it in multiple places, leaving nothing more than a dent. Finally, I went to swing one last time, but it was stopped. Panting heavily, I looked up at Orion standing above me. He had a look of worry on his face and in his chocolate brown eyes. His brown, curly hair hung in multiply curls at his shoulders. "What are you doing?" He asked softly. "Cutting down...the tree..." I panted. "Sweetie, you might as well clean the kitchen. You can try but we both know you can't do it." He chuckles softly while pulling the axe from my grip. "Yes, yes. Because you're the good house husband and I can't do anything but cook." I huffed in annoyance while crossing my arms over my chest. His thick eyebrows knitted together in confusion. He steps towards me and takes my hands in his. "Are you alright, baby? You've been acting strange since you got back from town." He asked. I simply nodded my head and pulled my hands from his. I didn't want to tell him just yet. I know I should, but I don't think I'd have the heart.

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