Nen - Siren (SFW - Part Two)

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Siren (Non-Binary) x Human Reader (Non-Binary):

Rules: (A/N: Author's Note).

(A/N: So, this story may involve a small trigger. It involves a slight mention of suicide.)

I wasn't even sure how long it had been since Nen had first brought me here. But they had been taking care of me ever since. I'm grateful for that, but I'm not... Within the first hour of meeting Nen, they assaulted me. I tried to tell myself that it was only curiosity, but there was really no excuse. Although I still don't trust Nen, I've grown somewhat closer to them, becoming some sort of a friend towards them.

About an hour and half ago, they had left. How did I know how long they've been since they left? Well, I didn't. I've simply guessed. All I knew is that it had been a while.

I shivered slightly as a breeze blew into the cave for a split minute. Since the day that Nen had...assaulted me, my underwear had been ripped, and my pants were nowhere to be found. I thought maybe that Nen had thrown them off somewhere and they landed in the water; causing them to either sink or float away to the open ocean. So, I've been sitting around half naked this whole time, which was embarrassing as heck and cold. But, Nen had realised that I couldn't adapt to different temperatures as well as they could, so they usually slept beside me at night, their tail wrapping around which gave me a little more body heat. Of course, not enough to keep me warm, but it was enough when it came to looking at what options I had.

With a sniffle, I wiped my hand with the back of my nose. It was getting colder lately, telling me that it was on its way with coming into Autumn. Lifting my eyes, I let out a gasp at what was ahead. In the water, in the corner, were a pair of dark eyes. With a sigh, I stood and smiled at the creature in the water. "Nen, you frightened me! I'll never get used to that." I giggled softly. But even after I spoke, the creature didn't answer me. They simply stayed in the corner, staring at me. Even at the distance, I could see their dark pupils shrink into very thin slits, these pupils now buzzing over my body. "Nen?" I asked. Nen's eyes hadn't reacted that way before... Not during the time, they looked after me... "Nen?" I asked again. Still no reply. They had sunk into the water, disappearing from my sight. I raised a brow before stepping closer towards the water. My eyes scanned the water before the head popped up again, this time much closer to where I was. I gasped and moved back. Their very small pupils still seemed locked on me. It made me feel as though I was being preyed upon. Slowly, they made their way to the edge of the rocks, lifting themselves onto rocks, they paused to stare at me again. Their small pupils giving them a crazed look to them, scaring me slightly. "Nen, what are you-" But I stopped myself right then and there when I realised something. This wasn't Nen. This creature was the same species, a Siren, but different. They were covered in scars, head to tail, their black hair was so messy that I swore I saw a few dreadlocks in it. Shells and dark seaweed seemed to be messily entangled into it as well. They pulled themselves further onto the rock and stopped there to stare at me. The look reminded me of one time when Nen had smelt the drop of the blood from me when I had accidentally cut myself on a jagged stone. But at that moment, they had quickly swum off, not returning for a few hours.

"Ah. So, this is what happened to the flightless bird. You're the reason Nen has been keeping to themselves these past few days. They had a pet bird to take care of." They spoke almost in a mocking tone. "Wha-?" "I saw you fall off that cliff a couple of days ago. We all did. What was that? An attempt of suicide. Seems like a bit of a strange way to go. Falling off a cliff to die. Quite pathetic actually." They had moved closer, and I realised now just how close to the danger I was. I stepped back a few steps. "What do you want...? Don't you guys have territories or something? Aren't you like...trespassing?" I didn't know how the Siren world works and it was clear in my questions. Not to mention how clear it was to tell how nervous I was. "Hmm... Not really. Maybe for land animals, but with the ocean, there's no limit, nothing owned." They spoke with a smile. "B-But this is land." I mumbled. "Maybe o, but no one can see us. Speaking of which... Where is Nen? Your owner doesn't seem to be by your side as per usual." The state while looking around, but their brown eyes took occasional glances towards me while doing so. It suddenly hit. This Siren had known that Nen was on a hunt. How long had they been watching me?

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