Bubbles - Can't Swim (SFW - Part One)

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Fish Monster (Non-Binary) x Human Reader (Female):

Rules: (A/N: Author's Note), (Y/N: Your Name), (E/C: Eye Colour).

(A/N: Was this inspired by the Shape Of Water? Maybe... 👀 But so what?! Also, this specific story will be happening over a period of days. Kinda like the process of their relationship becoming better each day? Idk how to explain it lol. Also, don't judge my 'fish monster' thing. Idk what else to call him them and I didn't want to say siren again bc my stubborn ass said no. TT.TT)

When my uncle had told me he held a rare creature in which I would have to look after while he was gone, I didn't expect what stared back at me through a large tank. It was almost human-like. But no one would be able to miss those turquoise scales that covered some patches of its body, pure white skin along the rest. Along with its webbed feet and hands. There were even gills on the side of the creature's neck, waving softly in the water. It didn't seem to have any colour to its eye, just a black slit for its pupil. It reminded me of the eye of a goat. But I thought it was unique. But this creature... It was so much taller than me. That is if it were standing beside me... Slowly, I lifted a hand to the glass but it quickly swam back and hissed at me. Its innocent looking, human-like face seemed to stretch out as its mouth opened to do so, showing rows of small razor-sharp teeth and a long tongue. Its gills flared out and suddenly, it didn't look so harmless now. It surely looked like the monster my uncle had described it to be. As it swam off further from the window that I stood at, I noticed spiked fins had protruded from its back. Reminding me of a frightened cat, or perhaps one that was threatening. But which one was it for me? It was the one that swam off so perhaps it was frightened. But I wasn't frightened of it. I was amazed!

The next day was exactly the same, I placed my hand to its giant tank and it hissed before swimming off. Had it been fed yesterday? I had come around in the afternoon. My uncle had left early that morning so I had no way on knowing whether or not it was hungry. I would call of give my uncle a text, but he never replies. He's always so busy... But anyway, this creature, I was told there was food for it somewhere. I was right, in the corner was a much smaller tank filled with large fish. I think the most common ones were tuna and salmon, the others... I didn't know of their name. Using a large near the net, I had managed to catch one of the slowest fish. It must've been old... I had made my way up the stairs to the creature's tank where I held the wriggling fish above the water, though, it was almost touching. Swiftly, a webbed hand shot out of the water, ripping the fish from my grasp and scratching my hand in the process. With a fright, I pulled my hand back and placed the other over it, rubbing the scratches. It gripped the edges of the tank, its body leaning over and back arched to show its sharp fins protruding from its back again. Its face was again stretched to show off its sharp teeth, and a series of hisses and growls came from it. Ah. It was threatening me because it didn't know me.

I remember my uncle mentioning how the creature wasn't in any way dangerous, and that it would quickly get used to one. But with the way it was acting, even after it were given food, it didn't seem to show any signs of that coming true. As it continued to his at me, it paused for a moment, now staring blankly at me. Slowly, it retreated back into the water, pulling the now barely alive fish in with it. With a sigh, I stood and made my way back down the stairs, walking off to go find a bandage to wrap around my hand.

The next day was almost the same. I repeated the process of catching a fish and making my way up the steps. Hesitantly, I held the fish over the tank with my hand that wasn't wounded. The water was still for a moment before a webbed hand quickly reached up and took the fish from my grasp. Despite how swift it was, the creature wasn't as aggressive as yesterday, nor did it even show itself to threaten me again. With a smile, I peered into the almost clear water and watched as a blurry, large figure swam off quickly. A trail of red staining the water behind it. My guess being it was the poor fish. Perhaps it was simply frightened of me this time, or realised I wasn't a threat to it.

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