Ollogin - It Leads to Marriage - (SFW)

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Orc (Male) x Human Reader (Male):

Rules: (Y/N: Your Name), (Y/A: Your Age).

Turning over in the bed, I nuzzled up into a large, warm mass. Even as something wrapped around me, I smiled tiredly. Or so, I did until a large yawn came from the mass. It sounded more like a roar if anything.

Immediately I sat up, and looked down at the large creature beside me. An orc! Shit! No no no! A male one at that! A large...male orc. No, seriously. He was huge. The orc would sit up himself, slowly reaching for me. I moved back, moving from the bed before he had taken a hold of me. I had been that drunk, that I decided it were a good idea to sleep with a orc?!

"Where are you going?" The orc yawned a second time. "Stay here and sleep in with me." He said. But I was already pulling clothes on myself. I had to get back. Get back to the bakery before my father found out I was missing.

Suddenly, my upper arm was taken a hold and as I lifted my gaze to the orc, my eyes instead caught sight of something else a little lower on the orc's body. I let out a gasp. T-There was no way- That thing was the same size as a horse! It dwarfed anything I have ever seen before and especially my own-

I shook myself from my thoughts and turned my red face away. I couldn't even look the orc in the eyes after staring at his dick. "I asked where you were going." The Orc repeated. Swallowing nervously, I opened my mouth to speak, "I um... I've got to get to work..." It came out in more of a silent squeak. Why was o even afraid of this male? Maybe it were the height that was scaring me. Sounds about right. The male was a big boy.

"You shouldn't need to work anymore, my love. I will provide for you until the end of our time." I'm sorry. End of our time? Provide? "You know I'm a man, right?" I asked with a raised brow. The larger male gave a nod of his head. "I cannot produce your young and I'm Y/A years old?" Again, he nodded. How did he know my age-? Ah... Last night, after drinking too much, I practically spill everything about myself to anyone showing an interest in me.

"Well, fortunately, I do not need anyone to provide for me. I'm doing quite well on my own." It was true too! I had a job, made alright money, and I didn't mind the work as well. "Unfortunately, as your soon to be husband, I must provide for you-" "Husband?!" I cut off the larger male. He hummed in response, moving towards the bed and sitting on the edge. He had pulled me with so I stood in front of him.

"I cannot marry a man! I- My father- He already has a lady for me!" I heard the orc wrong... Right? There was no possible way I could marry an orc! Let alone, a male one!

"What exciting news for your father then. His boy is getting married!" The orc responded as he rested his chin to my chest. Yes, even while sitting down, and I stood, he could easily rest his chin on my bare chest. Maybe even my shoulder. But, the orc didn't seem to understand what I was saying. Yes, I had that attraction to men. But I kept that to myself. Such a thing was not accepted here. I already had a soon to be bride as well!

"Aren't you somewhat disgusted by what happened between us last night? Surely your tribe won't accept a man as your wife?" I asked. The orc shook his head, humming as he pressed a kiss to my chest. His two tusks that peeked out from his bottom lip grazed over my skin gently. If I hand have been trying to keep myself calm, I would've most likely melted in his warm touch and kiss.

"Orcs do not care for the sex of their bride. Whether we are to produce young or not; it's not a necessity. However, sex is preferred after marriage for us, but if a circumstance does appear and the two mate before marriage, then those two must marry within the week. Oh, and what a lovely bride I have chosen." He smiled this large smile up at me. I thought orcs were supposed to be these tough beings. Perhaps this orc was. His smile just made me melt against him is all. The smile of his was somewhat innocent. Excited even. He was like a large child who had been told something that they now looked forward to.

Letting out a sigh, I brushed my fingers through his dreads, looking at one of the copper beads that sat around a dread. "What is your name?" I would ask the orc. "Ollogin." He would reply with huff. "My friends and family call me Ollo, however. I would repeat the name, it rolling off of my tongue so easily. I liked the name. I have never heard anything like it. "What is my bride's name?" He spoke in a husky voice, making me shiver as he stood and now towered over me. "Y-Y/N..." I responded in a small voice. "A beautiful name, for my gorgeous bride." He hummed as he then lifted me from the floor. He would cradle me, nuzzling himself into the top of my head. Were...all orcs this affectionate with their wives? It were nice... I had to admit.

"I um... Until we're married then, I must work. Now, I must get to work, and you must get dressed." I once again reminded myself of the naked orc. Honestly, Ollogin would need to cover that up!  "Oh don't be so shy, my love. There's no need to worry about clothes when alone together. Besides, last night, all you wished is for me to undress." Ollogin chuckled. "I-I did not!" I gasp out. My cheeks were already burning. "Oh yes, you did, my love. Even when I was inside you, you were enjoying yourself. You made many sounds." "O-Ollo-" But I was quickly cut off as he continued, pressing a finger of his to my belly button. "You even said how it felt as though I reached this place." My mouth hung open, my body shaking from the embarrassment. I- I- S-Surely not! Such a dirty thing as that wouldn't come from me! Right? I hid my face in Ollogin's shoulder. There was no way I could look him in the face! I refused to!

A booming laugh would erupt from Ollogin. "I am only teasing you, my love. However, us orcs consider it an honour to hear such words and sounds come from our wives. It allows us to know that we can satisfy your needs." "Ollogin." I stated firmly while lifting my head to face the large male. However, I wasn't mad or frustrated at him. I was so at myself. "Y-You're not helping the situation!" Again, another booming laugh would come form him and he settle with another nuzzle to my cheek. Okay... I had to admit that he was cute...

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