Victoria - Honey Biscuits (NSFW - Part Two)

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Queen Bee (Futa) x Plus-Sized Human Reader (Female):

Rules: (Y/N: Your Name), (E/C: Eye Colour).

I fluttered my eyes open only to encounter a large pair of bare breasts in front of my face. My eyes widened and my face reddened from the slight surprise. Though, when I lifted my eyes, I couldn't help but smile warmly at the new sight in front of me. Victoria laid beside me on her side, her robe that she wore was slightly opening which exposed her bare breasts but was also slowly sneaking open. So, I did the only reasonably thing anyone who enjoys the company of a woman, I took a little further peak. My eyes trailed down her exposed tan skin, my cheeks reddening further. But I flinched slightly at the sound of the silence being broke. "Good morning, gorgeous. Did you sleep well?" She spoke softly while she rubbed the sleep from her eyes. Shyly, I nodded my head. "That's good. You know, I had a little dream about us." She smiled while she wrapped her arms around my waist and pulled me into her chest. "Oh?" I asked. "And what happened in this dream?" I smiled up at her with interest. "Well..." Her voice trailed off, and just when I went to open my mouth, she quickly rolled the both of us over so that she had me pinned against the bed, and she kneeled over me. "I can show you if you'd like?" She asked seductively. I smiled coyly at her and nodded my head. Her smiled seemed to have widened as she leaned down, her lips brushed over mine for what felt like eternity. Eventually, after a small whine from me, she pressed our lips together into a passionate kiss. It felt hungry, filled with want, and of course, it was a deep.

It had been over two weeks since I had been brought to her hive. It doesn't seem to have been long, but during this short period of time, we had grown closer. She had mentioned how she recognised me as potential mate if wanting to have her eggs – which, to be honest, I was still unsure of. Every time she brought up the topic of having her eggs planted inside me, I felt scared. What if something had gone wrong with either me or the pregnancy? Would it be my fault? We, of course had had this conversation many times already, and each time she had somehow made me feel as though I wanted to have her eggs... But at the same time, I wasn't sure that I could hold over 20 eggs inside me. Well of course my body would stretch, but the eggs were the size of small tennis balls! I hadn't seen one in person, but she showed me how big they can be with her hands. But anyway, until the moment was to truly happen, I didn't want to think too much into it.

A knock sounded at the door, causing me to jump from underneath Victoria, and a small squeak to leak from my lips. "Ma'am, I was told to remind you that most of us are on our way out to collect some me flowers seedlings." Said the voice from the other side of her door. "Alright thank you, Thomas." She sighed softly. The sound of footsteps was soon heard fading further from the door. "How do you always know who's behind your door?" I asked curiously. "Because of their sound." She simply said while sitting up and pulling me up with her. "Their sound?" "Only four of my workers give me messages, and each one of those four have a certain sound when walking. For example, Thomas has quite light steps when walking. Everly has a fast pace, along with smaller steps, Ashton has heavy steps, and Jovi has long paces." "So, really, it depends on timing and sound with their footsteps." I asked while limply wrapping my arms around her neck. "Yes. And, by smell as well. Everyone has a certain smell different from the rest." She speaks. Smell...? "Really? What do I smell like then?" I asked. She hums and leans down into my shoulder. I could feel her warm breath against my skin, and it sent shivers down it. "Hmm... I believe you have a smell of my shampoo - because you only ever use my soap now, and I plan to keep it that way, and the smell of flour, because you're always baking us delicious treats." She pulled away from my shoulder and smiled down at me. "There was no way in hell you needed to actually lean down to smell me." I stated playfully. "No, there wasn't, but I wanted to." She chuckled softly before pressing our forehead together.

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