Nen - Siren (SFW - Part Three)

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Siren (Non-Binary) x Human Reader (Non-Binary):

Rules: (A/N: Author's Note), (Y/N: Your Name).

(A/N: So, this story may involve a small trigger. It involves a slight mention of suicide.)

"So? I'm your mate, am I?" I asked Nen with a small smirk on my lips. "You are not my mate. You're a human. That is only disgusting. I simply said that so that the Siren would leave my cave. Clearly it didn't end well." Nen spoke as they stayed against my chest. They haven't moved off me since the moment they fell on top of me after the fight. With a sigh, I shook my head before lifting a hand up and gently running it through their wet and knotted hair. They growled at this but didn't do or say anything more. "Nen... When can I leave?" I asked them quietly. They were quiet as well. It seemed they were holding their breath for a moment as well, ceasing all movement with their body. "Nen?" I asked again. "This cave will eventually flood. I've been measuring where the water is at every day. Just two days ago, that rock that you usually sit on is now under water." I lifted my head to look at them. They wrapped their arms around my waist and squeezed tightly while shaking their head. It reminded me of a young child who was being told something by their parent before their tantrum. With another sigh, I spoke, "Nen... Come on. Your body is heavy, and the weight is making me cramp up. Off me please." I asked. Slowly, Nen begins to sit up, what seemed to be an annoyed look on their face as well as what seemed to be a pout. Pulling myself out from underneath them the rest of the way, I groan as my tired limbs and body began to get pins and needles. Nen huffed in annoyance. It was clear they were milking it at this point.

"Nen, please answer my question." I asked. "I supposed there is no need for you to stay here any longer." They said quietly. "I'll take you back tonight..." They then finished. A bright smile grew on my lips, and I stood up, almost falling back with the very little feeling in my legs. "R-Really? Oh my god! Thank you, Nen!" I said contentedly. Quickly, I wrapped my arms back around them, nuzzling myself into their shoulder. They hadn't moved as I did this, but slowly, I could feel their arms wrap around me before they buried their face into my shoulder as well. "I can treat those bites as well once I'm out of here. Believe it or not, I live on the beach. I have a house not too far away from the cliff I had fallen off." "Why had you fallen off the cliff? Did you slip and fall? I saw a few people up there as well, but they just walked off." Nen asked me. Slowly, I pulled away, only for my eyes to meet Nen's. "I-I was um..." I wasn't sure what to say. "Those people. Did they push you off?" Nen suddenly asked. With a gasp, I shook my head. That wasn't the case at all... "So, you did trip and fall? You didn't seem to even try and swim up when you sunk into the ocean though..." Nen then mentioned. "I had... I had willingly fallen off." "Why?" They ask. "Because... Just because." I stated before moving back and standing up. Nen slithered themselves closer. They reminded me of an eel when out of water. "Why?" They asked again." "Nen... It doesn't concern you, so please leave me and this subject alone. Personal reasons." I finished. "Why?" "Okay, Nen, I'd like to go home. Now please."

Nen went quiet after I said this. "Very well. You will need to hold your breath." Nen spoke while moving into the water. They held out their hand towards me and I took it once at the edge. Slowly walking into the water, I could feel my breath hitch for a moment. What if that Siren from before was still around? What if they were just waiting for me to get into the water. The place Sirens are the most dangerous. Nen squeezed my hand, causing me to come back from my thoughts and remind me to breathe. "Ready?" They asked. With a nod, I took a deep breath before Nen pulled me under the water. I had to close my eyes to stop my eyes from stinging from the salted water. This gave me anxiety, because I was unable to see just what was around us or where we were going. I tightened my grip on Nen's hand, trying to indicate to them that I was running out of breath quite fast. This anxiety wasn't helping either. I could feel their tail quicken its movements, and before long, my head had broken the surface of the water, causing a loud gasp to come from my lips. Laying back on their back so they were floating on the surface, they pulled me onto their stomach so that I could lay against their chest. It was just then that I realised how far away from the shore I was. My breathing was heavy as I tried to force as much oxygen into my lungs as possible. Nen had been rubbing my back for a bit now and continued until I sat up on their stomach.

Looking over the shores of the beach, I spotted my home just behind cliff. I had noticed the balcony sticking out from the second story. I had always loved to stand on that balcony to look over the edge and stare out at the ocean. Little had I have known just how close to the Siren's I was. After moving to this town, I hadn't been swimming in the ocean so it's not like it was problem for me beforehand.

"Okay, Nen, my house is over there. Behind the cliff." I pointed out to them. "Tell me why you jumped off the cliff." Nen said. I turned my eyes down to them. "W-What? Nen, come on, I said I didn't want to speak with you about it." "Tell me or you can swim back on your own." They commanded. Looking down into the water, I shivered at the thought of being in this specific area and depth without Nen with me. With a sigh, I allowed my legs to dangle off in the water at Nen's side as I traced small circles in the water. "Fine... But I don't want you asking me questions. I just want you to listen and once I'm done speaking, to take me home." I said. Nen nodded their head. Turning my eyes towards the cliff, I was quiet for a minute before speaking. As you know, I identify as Non-Binary, like yourself. But my family isn't so accepting with this. To them, I am still the gender I was born with... Because of this, I felt trapped. Not to mention how they had put me into a Christian school which is a place where most humans younger than myself go to learn in such for a certain number of years. But this school was quite strict with its rules, and I was simply let in because of how my family are Christian. I didn't have any friends at this school, and I felt as though I couldn't speak to anyone about these constricting feelings that were trapped inside me, weighing me down all the time." I could feel a hand slide up my back and smiled down at Nen, their cool wet fingers soothing the burning skin that was now covering me. I was becoming upset, and my eyes were beginning to water just speaking about it. I hated crying in front of people. It made me feel weak. Disgusting.

"Those people who were up there with me. Those were some supposedly 'friends' I thought I had made in the school before I graduated. They brought me to the cliff and started saying all these terrible things about me. That I was disgusting, unworthy of love and living-" I was stopped there as Nen spoke over me, "Okay, that's enough. Forget how I told you to tell me. I regret doing so." They wrapped both their arms around me, pulling me down into their chest. I hadn't moved. Instead, I wrapped my arms around them and closed my eyes for a moment. When I opened them, I noticed how the bite mark on them was still bleeding. "Come on, I'll fix you up when you take me home."

(An hour later...)

Once I was home, I was able to shower and get dressed into some comfortable clothing before I had tended to Nen's wounds. Oh, and when I say comfortable clothing, I mean bed wear. It was late. They were covered in waterproof bandages and such to of which they itched at until I slapped their hands away. "Don't touch." I commanded with a giggle. "Annnddddddd there! All done!" I placed my things down before clapping my hands together once. "Now, don't touch or the bandages will come loose. Don't play with the pin keeping them together and don't scratch at the wounds on their own." I then finished. Nen stayed quiet, their dark eyes relaxed and almost calming. Suddenly their gaze had fallen on me and there was a small smile on their lips. "Y/N?" They asked. I hummed in response. "I know I had said no about this before, but... You're my mate. Or so, I consider you to be my mate and I would love it if you would become mine." My eyes widen in shock, my mouth parted only slightly to make a small 'o' shape. "Y-Your... Your ma-" "My mate." They finished for me. "I understand if you wouldn't want to be, but I shall not consider anyone else my mate. Whether you agree to be mine or not." Slowly, a large smile grew on my lips and nodded my head.

Shivering slightly, I looked towards the brightly coloured sky, covered in different warm toned colours. With a warm smile, I leaned in towards Nen. "My species are quite loyal with our mates, so I promise I won't ever go on to be with someone else! I'll also come visit you regularly while also protecting..." But they seemed to slow to a stop with their chatter when my lips touched their cheek, and then their lips. "As much as I'd like to stay, I'm becoming cold, Nen. So, I must be off inside before it becomes colder." I spoke against their lips. Pulling away, I could see a slight dark shade of their skin tone growing on their cheeks, causing a giggle from me. With a wave, I picked up my kit and any supplies I brought with me, before making my way towards the house.

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