Bao - Fisherman (SFW - Part One)

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Merman (Male) x Human Reader (Male):

Rules: (Y/N: Your Name), (E/C: Eye Colour).

Today was my 26th birthday, and here I was spending it fishing so I could eat during the week...What great fun. I didn't really have a partner or family to spend it with. My last girlfriend was quite selfish, and I had found her cheating on me... My parents had unfortunately moved to Australia. So, I was left here...alone... Oh well. I lived on the ocean. It was much more fun spending your yourself... fishing than with family.

But lately, something has been scaring the fish off. My usual spot which was usually full of mackerel, Cod and Tuna, was now more of a fish graveyard these past couple of days.

(3rd Person POV)

Bao watched from a distance at the human sitting on the boat. His brown eyes scanning the man with interest. This man had been in this exact place for a while now, occasionally fishing for hours on end and even all day and throughout the nights. Was the ocean an important place for this human - this spot specifically? Or was it simply to feed himself? Slowly, the creature made its way to the boat. Lifting a hand up to feel over the material in which the little motorboat was made from. It seemed like such an old boat. As if it could fall to pieces from any large movement. But it didn't.

Turning his brown eyes up towards the long pole in the man's hand, he noticed that almost invisible string was attached to it, having most of it disappear out within the sea. Ah. This man was fishing...again... But then again, Bao didn't mind. In fact, he had grown quite attached to this human in quite a strange way. Any day that this man hadn't shown up on a day he would usually come on, it only left Bao slightly worried. Sometimes Bao would even play little games with the man, occasionally tugging on his fishing line so that it seemed he had gotten a bite from a large fish. Watching how the man reacts, causes Bao to giggle quietly to himself, he found his reactions cute.

(Reader's POV):

I wasn't sure what was happening today, but all these bites and no fish... It was happening more often than usual. Perhaps if I began winding up the line at a faster pace, I could somehow wedge the hook in the into the fish. It sounded cruel, yes... But our town solely replied on fish as our food for 80% of the time. So, without a second thought, as soon as there was another tug on the line, I began winding up the line as fast as I could, even leaning back to try and someone wedge the hook into whatever was on the other end. Surely enough, I had managed to hook whatever it was, and boy, it was bigger than anything I've caught before. It put up a big fight as well. For a good 30 minutes, I was trying to wind in whatever it was. I was beginning to think I had caught a shark with how long this battle was going on for.

Eventually, I had managed to pull it in, but when the line had lifted from the water, I didn't expect to see what was on the hook. A hand... The large hooked had hooked the hand through the palm and the sharp point was sticking out through the back of it. A shocked gasp left my lifts. "Oh god almighty! I did NOT find a dead body on the end of my line!" I tried to tell myself. As I rolled up my line further, a shadow of a body coming into view under the water made its appearance. The hand was still attached! In fact, large brown eyes stared at me, a look of fear frozen on their face. Quickly, I brought in my line further. What I didn't expect was for that dead body to struggle. It wasn't dead at all! In fact, it seemed to be a man that looked to be 19, maybe 20? "H-Hey! Are you okay?" Perhaps this man had been snorkelling and he had accidentally touched my line? "Hang on one moment! Come to my boat!" I say while rushing to the side of the boat while also scanning the sides for my first aid kit.

The man seemed hesitant as he stared at me trying to usher him over. He hadn't spoken since I pulled him from the water, but he hadn't swum off either. Slowly, he swam to the back. Lifting his good hand onto the back, he tried to heft himself into it. I tried to offer help, but he stubbornly shook his head.

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