Orion - Part Bull (NSFW - Part Two)

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Minotaur (Male) x Human Reader (Female):

Rules: (Y/N: Your Name), (E/C: Eye Colour)

With a groan, I roll onto my side. I shivered slightly as I sat up. Looking down at myself, I realised why I was cold. I was naked. With a yawn, I turned my eyes to my side. Beside me, laid Orion, snoring loudly. From what I could see, his wide chest was on show for me, causing a smile to grow on my lips. From what I was guessing, he was most likely naked under those covers as well. But I wouldn't be surprised because all the memories from last night came flooding back, causing a red tint to grow along my cheeks. Leaning down, I press a kiss onto his large, wet nose, causing a groan from him before he shifted onto his other side. "Now that's just rude..." I whispered softly with a giggle following.

But anyway, shower and then breakfast. Standing, I took a single stepped before I was stopped. The creak of the bed and a large warm hand gripping my wrist stopped me. Turning my eyes to meet Orion's big brown ones, he yawned. "Where are you going? Stay in bed with me...?" He asked tiredly while moving near, only to pull me back onto the bed and into his arms. He laid back down, huffing in content as he closed his eyes again. "Orion, baby, I need a shower. I feel gross after sweating so much last night." I said softly while placing another small kiss against his snout. He only shook his head once, his grip slowly loosening around me which told me he was falling back asleep. My poor babe. I wouldn't blame him; we were up quite late last night. Not to mention how he can act like a child when sleepy.

Carefully pulling my hand from his, I only smiled wider as his snoring continued. Grabbing a towel, some panties and even stealing one of Orion's shirts, I made my way towards the bathroom. Grabbing a towel from one of the cupboards, I placed it on the towel holder before turning the water on a hot temperature. The glass that surrounded the shower began to steam up quite quickly, and just as quickly, I began to wash up. Pumping some strawberry scented body wash into my hands, I rubbed it over my body, smiling contentedly when the soap suds began to form. Washing them off, I then proceeded with washing my hair. But as I was rubbing the shampoo into my scalp, the glass door to the shower flung open, causing me to jump and let out a squeal. There stood a VERY tired looking Orion. Turning so that my body was facing him, I tilted my head back under the water so that I could wash the shampoo out. With a soft smile, I spoke as Orion shut himself in the shower with me, "Orion, baby, you're really not a morning person are you." He shook his head and yawned before dipping his head under the water, laying his forehead on my shoulder in the process. He was so adorable in the mornings! I just couldn't!

Lifting his head, I cupped both his cheeks, smooshing up his face. "Well, maybe you should go to bed earlier." I then kissed him against the forehead, and nose before slipping out the shower. I would get a head start on making breakfast, that way it would be ready for when he was done in the shower. "Blueberry pancakes?" I asked. He grunted in reply. I'll take that as a yes.

Once in the kitchen, I had gone on to make the blueberry pancakes, using a recipe that Orion himself had taught me. I wasn't so great with cooking and baking until I met Orion. When I first met him, he knew almost everything to do with living and taking care of oneself. He could knit, sew, cook, bake, garden, chop tress, he's a good mechanic, cleaner, farmer and he's quite good in the medical field. Of course, he couldn't be as good as a doctor and such, but a nurse, maybe. Me, I was just 'existing' in his world. But he always made it about me no matter what.

I was brought out of my thoughts when a puff of flour went up into my face, causing me to scrunch up my nose and swish my hand around. Wiping my face, I turned my eyes down to the metal bowl I was to be mixing everything in soon with. I had accidentally dropped the bag of flour into the bowl, causing the flour particles to be flying about in the air now.

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