Bubbles - Can't Swim (SFW - Part Two)

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Fish Monster (Non-Binary) x Human Reader (Female):

Rules: (A/N: Author's Note).

Over the next couple of days, I avoided the creature. For two weeks actually. Of course, I would run in and out the room every few days, chucking a large fish or two in its tank. But then I would quickly leave again.

Unfortunately for me, this time, it wasn't in its tank. I had opened the door to the room and the creature stood in the corner looking over an old record player. It was reaching a webbed hand out towards the old device when I called out to it, "Hey!" It flinched and pulled its arm back swiftly. It somewhat looked guilty. I rushed over to where it stood and shooed it away. "Never touch! That's neither mine, nor yours." It simply tilted its head and made a clicking sound. I suddenly realised what I was doing. I was supposed to feed it and leave. "I...Uh... I need to restock your food soon so make sure you enjoy the fish from now on." I stated while turning my back to it and rushing off towards its tanks. I could hear it following close behind me but with slower steps? Well, it was a lot taller than me – it would have much longer legs.

While grabbing a net, I was trying my best to catch one large fish in particular, but the little bastard was too fast. Was it a Juvenile Tuna? Some species of Tuna. I knew it grew very large though. This fish was at least two and a half feet long and was fast. But just as I managed to corner it, I felt a tug on my shirt before it was being lifted up. I let out a surprised squeak when I felt a cold hand against my skin. I swear I jumped six-foot before I used the end of the net to poke the creature hard in its stomach. It seemed to left out a huff of breath before moving back and holding its stomach. I pulled my shirt back down and tucked it into my pants. "D-Don't ever touch me! You got it!" I said while holding up a finger towards it. I turned my attention back to the fish tank where I again went to go after a fish, but I felt that cold hand on my elbow. I instantly pulled my arm back, swung myself around and used my foot to quickly push it back. No, I didn't kick it.

It fell back against the floor and it didn't move from that place. But it still held its stomach. It clicked slightly before letting out a huff. Almost like it was defeated. Gosh... I didn't hurt it that much, did I? I just wanted some space... Especially after the last time I were with it up and close. Yet, here it lay.

Hesitantly, I placed the net down after closing the lid to the tank and hesitantly made my way down to its side. "S-Sorry... I was just nervous..." I admitted to it softly. Not like it could understand me anyway... It clicked in response though. I still doubt it understood me. "Let me see..." I reached hesitantly toward its hand it had pressed to its chest. But it seemed to just stare at it. I finally reached for its hand and took it. It certainly didn't flinch, snap at me or pull away. Nor did it decide to be stubborn – it allowed for me to touch its webbed hand and move it back. But when I looked down at its chest, I cringed slightly as a strange, dark green colour had already grown on its chest. Perhaps...an instant bruise? I wouldn't be surprised. It was a small blunt force that got pushed into its stomach quite hard. "Sorry..." I said yet again. I felt terrible. But the way I reacted... Could I blame myself? Could anyone blame me? I was terrified! The creature seemed to let out a series of clicking and it flipped its hand around slowly, taking my wrist. I had frozen at this. Was it planning on doing something again? The creature pulled me closer very slowly, before it pressed my palm to the bruise. After that, its chest rose and he held it. When he let out that breath of air, another series of clicks came from its throat, seeming softer this time, but louder. It's clicks continued and then something caught my attention in these clicking sounds. The purring clicks, and it was very faint at first, but they began melting into a word. Suddenly, a singular word left its mouth, causing my eyes to redden. "Mm-Mate." It purred out.

I wasn't sure how to react, but I did know that for some reason, my cheeks burned. Was I blushing? I better not be. Over a simple word like that? I couldn't be its mate either. I was human. "Mate." It repeated. I pulled my hand back and, in that instant, it sat up, reaching for it again. But I pulled my hand to my chest. Hell no... I was not this alien...water creature...thing's mate. I couldn't be. I wasn't even close to this creature's species- Well, maybe there were some physical similarities. But no! "Mate-" "Shut up! I'm not your mate." I finally spoke, raising my voice. But he let out a loud hiss before once again repeating his words. I couldn't believe this! He wasn't listening to me! Or he didn't understand... Suddenly I felt my hand pulled forward. Surprised, I was unable to react quickly enough before I felt my hand press to his chest, directly over his heart. I could feel it beating, slow and calm. But then I began to notice something, his heartbeat was accelerating. A warm sensation could be felt under my palm and slowly, a turquoise-like glow began to surround my hand where I was touching. His...skin was glowing?

A purring-like sound now emitted his mouth and the creature closed its eyes for a moment. What was he doing?

For at least a minute it did this and during some point, I had tried to pull my hand away, but it held it firmly. So, after that confusing minute had finished, it suddenly jumped up, pulling me along with it towards its tank- I'm sorry, what? Its tank?! Hell no, not again!

But the creature basically dragged me up the steps before finally letting go. Thank goodness! I held onto the rails, stepping back from the edge and instead watched as it lowered itself into the water. For that moment, I watched silently. Even as it turned itself around in the water to face me and reached a hand out towards me. I had mixed feelings. I was pissed at myself and the creature because he had managed to drag me over so easily. Did that mean that every time I had managed to move myself away or try and defend myself, he was allowing me to? It was clearly strong enough to drag me in the water right this moment. But it stayed put, keeping a webbed hand reaching out towards me. Why does it keep trying to pull me into the water with it? Does this have something to do with the fact that it chosen me as its mate? I didn't understand...

With a sigh, I stepped forward. Just this small action caused the creature's eyes to widen, lowering itself a little further into the water – just where the water touched its lips. Another step. This time bubbles began to form at its mouth. He's done this before. The last time I was up here. Surprisingly, watching as he blew bubbles- I wasn't sure why, but the action caused a smile to break at my lips.

Edging closer and closer to the edge, I finally stood at the end. But I lowered myself down and instead dipped my legs in. I didn't reach for the creature's hand or lower my body into the water. With a huff, he instead reached for my legs and pressed both webbed palms to my knees. He watched me the entire time, as if trying to figure out how close he could get with me. My eyebrows only knitted together. I didn't push him off or move away, and this seemed to be enough for him because he purred softly and let out a few clicks. I had to admit though, those sounds... They were a bit cute... "I think I might have to stick with Bubbles as your name, bud. You seem to blow a lot of those." I smiled down at him. He only seemed to stare back with his large eyes, blinking a few times as well. Perhaps... It wouldn't be so bad as to loosen up around Bubbles... Just until Matthew came home though. I still wasn't getting in the water though! Whether I felt safe enough or not. What I would do... I reached a hand out to Bubbles, to of which, he seemed to instantly lean towards. With that, his cool forehead was pressed into the palm of my hand. "You are a strange being..." I smiled down at him.

(A/N: So... Apparently I'm not dead... Now I did almost die- I had caught covid and felt like I was dying at least. But that's just me being dramatic. A lot of ppl catch it and get worse. For me, I slept 80% of the time, sat there and thought about my life choices on my bed or in the shower 10% of the time, ate 5% of the time, and drank water 5% of the time. I didn't do SHIT for covid and it pissed me off lmao. Now I could explain what I mean by that, but I can't be bothered. So just be happy I posted lol. Also, I know I missed pride month and I'm so pissed at that. But I got into my first relationship with this girl, and now I'm out of that relationship. Apparently, I wasn't ready and felt like a piece of shit. So, I broke it off ;-;. I know I'm a piece of shit but I swear I thought I was ready. But anyway, my point is...blame the breakup for my inactivity. I may not have been ready for a relationship, but it still took its toll on me ;-;. Plus, me being sick every 5 seconds and then catching covid. Alright, anywayyyy... Byeeeeee lovelies~~) 

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