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"What do you mean 'here we go again?'" Fitz asked.

"I think it's about time you told us what's the assignment about," Sophie said.

"Yeah, Forkle. About time." Keefe added.

Magnate Leto continued walking very quickly. He said, "There have been bombs placed around the school. I've been trying to get a meeting placed between the four of us, but since another bomb has been found, it won't be too soon for our meeting."

"What did our assignments have to do with that?" Sophie asked while trying to keep up with Magnate Leto's speed walking.

"I had originally planned for you to search the school for any other bombs. Given your many talents, you could easily defeat any threats that come along but if not you have a telepathic connection with young Mr. Vacker, whose job was supposed to be to keep track of anyone in the school in general. Mr. Sencen's job was to just make sure he covers about where you are, seeing his convincing ideas and jokes."

"I really, really hope the bombs are just color bombs. Even if it's pink, I would be pretty fine with it. Just don't let it be green." Keefe said.

"Honestly, I hope they're color bombs too." Fitz agreed.

"Unfortunately, we cannot ensure you that they are non-dangerous bombs of any sort. Fortunately, we have removed the bombs to a place that is too far away to cause any damage to the Lost Cites. Our Technopath has been able to provide you with a brief summary of what she has discovered about the bombs. We'll drop off at young Mr. Dizznee's house to pick him up. Unfortunately Mr. Sencen and Mr. Vacker cannot join us. Our Technopath is... unique and she would rather not meet so many people at one time."

"Guess we found Dex's girlfriend. A girl Technopath, too! He's gonna be head over heels for her. Any bets? I bet he's gonna fall in love with her at first sight."

"No. No bets. And Dex isn't like that." Sophie said.

"And Tinker is actually as old as me," Magnate Leto said.

"Well that's really old, then." Keefe said.

"Maybe you could bet with Ro." Fitz said. "Speaking of her, why isn't she here?"

"The same reason Grizel and Sandor aren't here." Magnate Leto said.

"Well, I'll see you later, Mr. Sencen and Mr. Vacker. I'm sure Miss Foster will let you know and catch you up on everything. We better get going while the sun hasn't set." Magnate Leto continued.

They all said their goodbyes and made their way to their locations.


"Neither of you have explained why you have dragged me. This is considered kidnapping. And I've been kidnapped before." Dex said.

"If I told you you wouldn't have come with us." Sophie said.

"Well, in that case, take me back." Dex said.

"Nah." Sophie replied.

"Tell me why we haven't light leaped yet!" Dex whined.

"Because we want to see you suffering." Sophie said.

"Because I don't have a crystal leading there. I'm asking Miss Foster to teleport."

"Yeah, Dex! Now where's the nearest cliff?" Sophie asked.

"Uh-oh. I'm scared. Can I leave now since we're not there yet?"

"You actually never agreed to come so you're staying."

"Sorry for interrupting your conversation, but we have somewhere important to be." Magnate Leto cut in.

"Ok." Sophie said while Magnate Leto levitated them about the cliff.

"Drop us."

"DROP US??" Dex yelled.

"Yes. Do that." Sophie said, grinning due to Dex's reaction which she had one hundred percent expected.

Then the plummeted into the void.


"This place is spooky." Sophie shuddered.

"Says the one who wanted to drag me here. This place is cool!" Dex said excitedly.

"Says the one that didn't want to come here. And I didn't know that it would be this place!"

"I can feel the mechanics and the..." Dex said, trailing off in the Technopath language that no elf could understand.

"This elevator is so unique! Oh, and look at those! And that... ah, this is heaven here." Dex smiled, loving the screws and whatnot on the walls.

"I think we should keep Dex here." Sophie said.

"Well, Mr. Dizznee will be staying here a lot more often."

Dex and Sophie were led in a room with many scattered items. There were loose screws of all shapes, colors, and sizes, there were nails, devices, and machines of all sorts.

"Dex is in heaven," Sophie stifled a laugh, seeing the look on Dex's face.

Then the happiness slowly melted to horror.

Tinker, as Magnate Leto called, was unconscious on a heap on the floor.

MWAHAHAHAHAHA! Evil author tactics have been turned on.

This update came WAAAAAY before I though it was going to happen. The comments asking for updates are helpful for motivation. Thanks, everyone, for reading!

You guys are the best!

1.25k reads now. Unbelievable!

Thanks and have a great rest of your day! Stay safe.

Don't forget to comment, vote, and share!

Thanks again!


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