cat ears?- Cat! Zhongli x Fem reader

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"Who are you?" I looked at the purple haired girl and smiled.

"Qiqi do you really not know who I am?" I asked, she giggled and nodded.

"Of course, Qiqi wouldn't forget..."

"Pretty pretty sure?" Qiqi nodded, I looked up and met eyes with Childe.

"I want you to meet someone! Plus someone wants to bury the zombie girl" Said Childe, I glared and sighed.

"I'll just ask Xiao we're near the inn anyways is that okay Qiqi?" I Asked, Qiqi nodded and I carried her and went into the reception and all the way up the stairs to Xiao's usual place.


"Childe wants me to meet someone and Hu-Tao is going to bury Qiqi alive so you might wanna protect her" I said, Xiao nodded and took Qiqi and they waved goodbye. I walked out of the inn and looked at Childe.

"Well, you can't laugh at him?" Said Childe, I tilted my head.
"Well he has cat ears and tail cause he in a way got a potion thrown at him?"
I nodded and followed Childe.

"We're here!" We heard some muffled noise and Childe opened the door then dragged me in.
"Really Zhongli? Actually you are part cat sooo~" Said Childe to 'Zhongli' I blinked realising Childe wasn't telling a lie.

"So.... this is Zhongli?...." I questioned Childe nodded I silently giggled.

"Wait- did you just giggle?"

"Y-Yup! Hehe~ it's just- he's cute but also *giggles*" I couldn't finish my sentence and Childe started to laugh with me getting me.

"Pffft!~ I agree" Said Childe, Zhongli looked at us confused and I started to squeal.

"I CANNOT!!!! THIS IS TOO CUTE!!" I muffled screamed into my hands, Childe was laughing his head off and fell onto the floor. Zhongli blinked and his tail started to swish around, I blushed a bit and fell onto the floor muffling my squeals.

"Uhm..." Said Zhongli.

"I C-CAN'T Y/N!!" Laughed Childe. I couldn't speak because my squeals would probably hurt Zhongli's cat ears.


After calming down
"O-okay!" Said Childe. I calmed myself down.

"Ah! I'm Y/n, nice to meet you Mr Zhongli!" I Said, he nodded and Childe fell of the chair he was sitting on.
"I- Childe?-"

"I FORGOT I HAVE A DATE WITH LUMINE!!!" Screamed Childe and ran off forgetting the rose he had. Zhongli sighed whilst I blinked.

"Sorry 'bout this Mr Zhongli but...
CHILDE!!!" I ran after him with Zhongli in tow.

Few seconds later like for real
"Childe? Y/n? Zhongli?!" Said Lumine puzzled, I started to catch my breath.

"Lumine turn around please?" I Asked, she turned around and I glared at Childe and gave him the rose and he thanked me.
"Okay now you can turn around" I said, Lumine turned around and saw Childe give her a rose and smiled.

"Thank you Childe!"

I said bye and slowly walked away and ran into the Wangshu inn to find Qiqi.
I found her with Xiao who was eating Almond Tofu.
"Ahm- Xiao? Do you know Mr Zhongli?" I Asked, he nodded with sparkles in his eyes making me puzzled.
"Well he's part cat? With ears and tail" Xiao stuffed the rest of the Almond Tofu so fast and disappeared in the speed of light leaving Qiqi.
"And he's off-"

"Qiqi want to go... too" Said Qiqi, I sighed and carried her and ran into the direction when Xiao was heading.
"Over there...." pointed Qiqi, I ran to the spot and stopped.

"Don't ever do that *huffs* AGAIN!!!" I Said glaring at Xiao who nervously laughed.

"You know Xiao?" Asked a all to familiar voice.

"Yes- when Childe almost killed me by making us fight like what? Fifteen Hillichurl camps!?" I Said, screaming the last part, I sighed and put Qiqi down.

"Qiqi wants... a drink" we all blinked at Qiqi's remark out of nowhere.

"Later?" Said Zhongli, Qiqi shook her head and pointed to where Ganyu was. I choked and Xiao quickly patted my back.

"You want... to see Ganyu?" I Asked slowly, Qiqi nodded.
"For what?"

"She gets Qiqi... drinks..." I nodded and looked around seeing Xiao talk to Zhongli with his ears twitching.
"Can... you bring Qiqi... there?..." Asked Qiqi, I bent down to her height. I could feel Xiao and Zhongli look.

"Yes but.... uhm" I Said trying to find the my words that disappeared down my throat.
"Don't get caught by Hu-Tao okay? And stay near Ganyu" I Said, Qiqi nodded and I picked her up.

"Where are you going?" Asked Zhongli.

"Taking Qiqi to Ganyu and so Hu-Tao won't bury Qiqi alive" I Said, Zhongli And Xiao nodded and started to head to Zhongli's place. I jumped on the roofs and made my way to Ganyu's place then dropped Qiqi off telling Ganyu.

Back with Zhongli and Xiao~
Zhongli's POV
I looked at Xiao and he stared right back at me.

"You... like her?... don't you Zhongli?" Asked Xiao, I blinked and nervously nodded.
"... why is this... weird?"

"What do you mean Xiao?"

"... just never mind...."

"I'm back! Had to avoid Hu-Tao" beamed Y/n, we nodded.
"Hah? Did I miss something? Why is Mr Zhongli a bit red?" My ears perked up.

"I'll let you both... alone" Mumbled Xiao, Y/n looked confused as Xiao left. She turned towards me making my ears go down? And my tail dropped.


"... I, uhm......" I stuttered, she looked confused. I mumbled and she asked me to say it again.
"I..... like- no, love.... YOU!" I blushed and looked away from her.

"I- I do too!" I looked at her eyes to see if there was any lies.
"Eep!- don't look like that!" I mumbled a Sorry and looked back at her.
"What should we do a-about your cat ears and t-tail?"

"Let me think... it should wear off tomorrow" I Said, totally ignoring what happened. Y/n looked confused.
"You can pet them" her eyes lit up and started to pet my ears, a purr erupted from my throat and she had sparkles in her eyes.
"Did you just purr!!?" Asked Y/n, I nodded and she squealed. Let's say she continued to pet my ears till nighttime and she had to leave.
"Bye Mr Zhongli!"

"Just call me Zhongli is Fine" I Said, she nodded and walked out the door.

"You sure liked that~"

"Shut up Childe"

"Hmm no~ I think I'll tease you" Childe teased me for the whole night.
"Better give her a nickname for your dear Girlfriend, Zhongli~" teased Childe, I glared.

~the end~

Hope you enjoyed this chapter U^U

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