Vamp! Scaramouche x fem! Reader pt 1

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Vampire AU!~ might be for a couple of chapters-

Jean: Vampires?- dear barbatos

Me: ehehe~ there will of course be Vampire hunter, but some evil ones so~

Bennett: let's start!~ *trips on a rock* I'm fine!-

Me: Bennett no your not *helps*

Jean: *sighs*

Me: for the Vampire AU, most of the girls are not vampire and then the plot get bigger .... Rarepair: razber!~ Razor x Amber ehe

I held my breathe as the vampire hunter ran past me, tears rolled down my face and trying to cover up the bleeding.

"KEEP ON SEARCHING! WE CAN'T HAVE THAT GIRL KNOW WE KILL CITIZENS TOO!-" Shouted the leader of the hunters, the footsteps got further and further away until it was silent.

"Phew, We're safe for now" Said Childe. "Your lucky your still not died yet- especially when your scared, not in a bad way!" I glared at him and wiped my tears away.
"Better get back, here I'll get us there in no time"


"No, I'm dead serious-" Said Childe, I shook my head but he scooped me up and ran back to the Fatui.

Few minutes later

"Put me down Childe!" I Said, he dropped me and I glared at him.
"You lucky Shes here otherwise I would of killed you"

"Tartaglia, be more respectful, and why does it look like Y/n cried?" Asked Signora.

"N-othing! Ehe..." I Said, she looked at my arm and sighed.

"Let me guess hunters?" I just nodded and walked towards the medical place. I walked into someone and didn't bother looking up knowing it was Scaramouche.

"Y/n?- what happened to you?" Asked Scaramouche, I looked away kind of suspicious usually he wouldn't care.
"Y/n..." I got the first aid and started to clean my bruise up, then I put bandages on it and headed towards the door, Scaramouche growled and he grabbed my wrist and pulled me back hugging me.
"Stop ignoring me..."

"..." I didn't talk and ran out and headed towards Monstadt. I was confused why he's starting to care all of a sudden.

<in Monstadt>
"Oh, Hi Y/n!" Waved Amber, I waved back and jogged towards her.
"Your bleeding... did those hunters get you?"

"Mhm, But Childe helped me" I Said.

"Geez they need to stop, unless their trying to trigger someone that like you which usually happens cause we aren't vampires are we" Said Amber.

"Hi Amber, Hi Y/n!~" Lumine came running towards us.

"Hi Traveller!"

"Just call me Lumine, please Amber"

"Okay! Where do we want to go?" Asked Amber, we shrugged.

"Hm.... maybe we could go to the Cavern?" Suggested Venti out of nowhere.

"Gah!- gee don't scare us! And fine we'll come" Said Lumine, Venti cheered.

"Why are you looking at my fangs?"

"Oh sorry- well it's just... weird that males are vampires but majority of females aren't...." Mumbled Amber.

"To the cavern?" I Said, Venti ran ahead whilst we ran after him.
"Okay then?"

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