Silent treatment-Aether x Fem! Reader

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Welp poor Aether, let's just say something happened~ ehehe~ And OOC Aether

Venti: what happened?

Me: well not saying that'll ruin the plot Venti! Plus I'm probably going to put a lot of fluff after reader-chan (me too) doesn't give Aether the silent treatment

Venti: oooo! Well I be in it?

Me: maybe- oh! Your/reader Childe's lil sis!

Venti: Wait when-

Me: ah... Childe might be after you though ehe anyways-

Venti: let's get into the story!~


Y/n's POV
I ignored Aether, wondering why? Well Aether gave permission for Venti to push me in a river and when there was Cryo Slimes....

"Y/n! Talk to me please?" Pleaded Aether, I kept ignoring him and walked into the forest to let out my frustration on the Hillichurl.

"Y/nnnnnnnnnnn!" Whined Paimon. I huffed and ran a bit further ahead.

"Ah, hello Y/n! Why do you look... uhm frustrated?" Asked Amber, I gave a quick glance behind me to see Aether and Paimon way behind me.

"Ask the dear Traveller" I Said, then Aether Asked Why I was ignoring him.

"Ahem, why is y/n angry at you" questioned Amber, Aether and Paimon Whined and ran after me.

"Please y/n! Why are you-" began Aether, I stopped right in my tracks and he bumped into me. I slowly turned around and gave them both the glare, I turned away and ran off with tears streaming down my face.

"Why... stupid memories" I Whispered to myself, I heard running and shouting I knew Aether and Paimon was chasing after me yet again... I hid inside a abandoned place and stayed quite but either way Aether would of found me.

No-one's POV
"Pffft! Look at this stupid loser!" Laughed R/n, the hydro vision holder, Y/n was soaked and got out of the lake..
"Well well Well~ seems like you aren't going to get defended by your 'friends' huh loser!~" Y/n looked up and saw Childe glare at the three girls and they didn't even notice.

"What?.... did you do... to her...." growled Childe, the bullies sweat dropped.

"A-Ah! We were j-just teac-teaching her a lesson!" Stuttered R/n.

"... Y/n... as your big brother.... should I?" Asked Childe, Y/n nodded. All that could be heard was R/n and her friends screaming.

"W-What did you do?..." questioned the H/c girl.

"Ah... I guess it could say I did a little little oops" smirked Childe.

Back to present~
"Traveller what did you do?"

"I didn't know Venti would actually do it!" Said Aether. I gave up being silent and opened my mouth but quickly closed it, Childe ran off when he spotted Venti.
"... talk to me Y/n!" Said Aether he kept walking towards me, I felt my back hit a wall and looked behind me. When I turned around I got pinned before I could even react, Aether kissed me making me widen my eyes in shock I melted into the kiss and then he pulled away.
"So... Are you going to talk to me now" questioned Aether who was blushing a lot. I shrugged.
"Then I'll just eat all the cookies the-"
Before Aether could finish speaking I tackled him onto the ground.

"Not my cookies or no more kisses and cuddles for you-" I put both my hands over my mouth and pouted, Aether laughed and helped me of the ground.
"... but if you do that again I'm going to visit Lady Signora" Aether glared at me and shakes his head.

"Nope- except them" Said Aether, I giggled and yawned.
"So where we going?"

"I mean.... it's night-time and I'm tired...." I Said, Aether picked me up bride-style and ran to my house- I was shocked that Aether could even pick me up.

Inside your house and after you changed
"Gn Aether" I Said yawning as I went under the covers, I heard shuffling and when I turned around I was face-to-face with Aether.

"Cold... plus your getting warm" Mumbled Aether, I giggled slightly and my back faced Aether.
"Hey...." I felt him put his arms around my waist and hug me, making me blush even more.

"I-Okay you can s-stop hugging n-now Aether!" I stuttered, Aether didn't budge then all I could here was soft snores from Aether making my heart melt. Then I started to drift of to sleep.

"I love... you Y/n" I felt someone kiss my forehead but know who it was, but I couldn't ignore the fact that he confessed to me!- I mumbled a I do too and then I actually fell asleep...

No-one's POV
Aether looked at your face as you drifted of to sleep and heard his confession to you making him blush, even if he acted bold. He yawned and cuddled with you as you slept then he peacefully fell asleep too...

~the end~
Don't mind me using 'you' instead of y/n and sorry that it's short I've been busy lately-
Anymore requests?

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