Diluc x Fem! Reader

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Most surprising thing happened on Monday 21st June- My best friend is dating someone and I only knew when I was walking home-

Venti: How is it surprising?

Kazuha: maybe because she didn't get told until later?

Me: in a way- but anyways- little bit might relate to what happened to Monday,

Venti+Kazuha: Let get into the chapter-

f/n- friend name (a girls name only for this chapter)
B/n- boy's name

Ah.... a bright new day-


"Venti- are you serious?"

"Eheh~ Sorry! But f/n wanted to speak to you about something?" Said Venti, I sighed and nodded my head.

"Okay- Bye Venti" I waved goodbye and went to find f/n who was with b/n holding hands?
"Uhm- F/n?"

"Hi Y/n!- ah..." Said F/n, I looked at her so confused.

"Why are you guys holding hands? And so close to each other? Are you dating?" Asked Venti out of nowhere.

"Well no-" began F/n, I blinked at her in shock and looked at Venti who was also shocked.

"So- your dating- B/n?!? SINCE WHEN?!?" I Asked, she explained and I was dumbfounded.
"I- Okay- I'll just- go, come on Venti-" I Waved Bye to F/n and B/n and dragged Venti to Angel's Share.

"I'M I-"

"No- I'm just visiting someone- plus since when did she start to date him like today!? I mean yea she knew him for years but-" I stopped talking as soon as we were outside the tavern, I dragged Venti inside.

"It's not that busy!" Said Venti, I mentally slapped myself and whacked his head.

"Ah what are you doing here Traveller? And Venti" Said Kaeya.

"Ah... nothing but f/n is apparently dating B/n now?!" I Said.

"Oh? Ah yes they did-" Said Kaeya, I sighed in frustration and laid my head on the counter.

"Oh... it's you two again..." groaned a all to familiar voice, I looked up and put my head back down.
"Traveller? Why do you look.... frustrated? In a sense?" Questioned Diluc, I didn't bother looking up from the counter and didn't budge.

"Kaeya did everyone know?" I Asked, Kaeya Mumbled a yes and I banged my head on the counter once.
"And she don't bother telling me..."

"EhEhE~" Venti hiccuped.

"Ah... totally ignored your question, sorry Master Diluc.... F/n told everyone but me that she was dating B/n... and I was so confused at first,.." I said, he brought some water to me but I still didn't budge. I knew Kaeya and Venti were drunk-

"Just call me Diluc is Fine.... anyways do you want to meet the honorary Knight? I wouldn't normally do this but seeing you frustrated is... making me feel weird?" Said Diluc, I shrugged and got up and walked outside of the tavern and waited. Venti and Kaeya went somewhere and Diluc lead me to Master Jean's office.
"Where the Honorary Knight or is he still doing commissions?" Asked Diluc.

"Oh? He's out and about, why?" Asked Jean.

"Aha... so F/n told everyone but me that she was dating B/n... and I was so confused at first and now I'm frustrated like a lot" I explained.

"Oh... well I think Aether might be able to help with that, same with Diluc but I can see that he also needs to cool off" Said Jean, I smiled at her and walked outside to try and find Aether I think was his name.
"Try to cool down Diluc, she's safe with the Honorary Knight" that was what I heard before I was outside.

"Oh! Paimon was wondering who are you?" I jumped and looked to see a flouting fairy thing.
"Oops! Paimon's sorry!" Apologised 'Paimon'

"Ah.... it's fine.... to answer your question I just keep to myself usually, I'm Y/n nice to meet you Paimon, was it?" I Said, the pixie nodded.

"Paimon!" Shouted someone.
"Ah, sorry if she caused you trouble- I'm Aether! The Honorary Knight! And you?" Asked Aether.

"I'm Y/n! And I was wondering if you could I guess cheer me up" I Said, he's face brightened up.

"Sure!" I looked at his eyes and could see sadness...
"Is Diluc coming?" Asked Aether, we looked back and I shrugged.
"Hey! Diluc! Do you want to come?!" He came over and we made our way somewhere...

Few hours later~
"Well we'll be on our way... bye Y/n and Diluc!" Waved Aether and Paimon,  we all said goodbye. I sat back down on the chair and laid my head on the counter along with Venti.

"Y/n?..." questioned Diluc, I didn't respond because I was tired.
"*sigh* well I guess it wasn't that bad... love at first sight..." smiled Diluc, I blushed when I heard Diluc leave the tavern (doing something) I looked at Venti.

"EhEhE~ *hic* yOuR iN LoVe~" Said Venti, I sweat dropped and turned around to see Diluc blushing but also glaring at Venti.

"You little piece..... Ugh.... Y/n? Do you?" Asked Diluc, I blinked in shock and smiled.
"That's a yes I guess huh, darling?"

"E-e-EHHH?! Did you j-" stuttered Y/n but shut up and hugged Diluc from embarrassment.

"AwWw~ *hic* sO cUtE *hic*" hiccuped Venti

~the end~
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