Potion-Scaramouche X reader

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Me: hehe your going to be the 12th Harbinger and your going to be a Cryo or Pyro user of your choice

Childe: this is going to be funny!

Me: *proud* yup but he's a smol toddler and I don't wanna get killed so-

Scaramouche: YOUR NOT GOING TO-

Childe: let's start!- *helps Night*

Me: YEA!-
No One's POV
As a certain 6th Harbinger walked through Liyue whilst being in a disguise, all of a sudden a potion was thrown at him by a random person.
The Harbinger glared at the stranger and started to head back to where the other Fatui were waiting for him.

<after he arrived>
"I wonder what's taking shortie so long" Questioned Childe, also known as Tartaglia but he uses his code name.

"Don't know, I mean there is a stranger that throws potions at people" I Said, Signora nodded her head in agreement m.

"Tch" we all knew who that was and saw Scaramouche glaring at us.
"A potion was thrown at me"

"Not the potion!-" Said Childe, trying to hold in his laughter. I sighed at Childe's stupidity.


Once the smoke cleared we saw Scaramouche in a toddler form.
"Geez you know since he's small he can just kick you in the no no square right?" Childe quickly hid behind me for protection.

"Tch-" tsked Scaramouche, I must say he's so adorable!

"Y/n, Childe take care of him" sighed Signora, we nodded and took Scaramouche.

"At least he's actually short!" Laughed Childe, Scaramouche glared at him.

"Just- stop" I Said, Scaramouche glared but stopped.

"Huh? Is little Scaramouche turning into a softie for dear Y/n?~" teased Childe, Scaramouche glared Childe And had tiny electric sparks was flying out of his hand.

"May you rest in piece, Childe" I Said, Childe looked at me confused and looked back to Were Scaramouche was But he disappeared.

"Where did he go!?!" Shouted Childe, I laughed at his reaction and pointed behind him making Childe Scream his head off.

"Geez-" I Said, covering my ears from his high-pitched girly scream.

"That's what you get, Tartaglia" Laughed Scaramouche, Childe was still screaming his head off which was getting annoying.

"Childe...!" I Said, he didn't hear me I took a deep breathe and glared at Childe.
"TARTAGLIA SHUT THE HELL UP!" I Shouted, he immediately stopped not wanting to piss me off otherwise I would of used my Pyro/Cryo vision to burn/freeze him.

"So-Sorry" Mumbled Childe, I sighed nodding my head.
"Let's go eat something?" Said Childe.

"Sure, I guess" I Said, I looked at Scaramouche who was still glaring at Childe.
"Why are you so adorable as a toddler?!" I Said to him, he's eyes widened and looked away I saw him blush a bit.

"S-stop saying that!" Stuttered Scaramouche, I shook my head.

"Let's go" Said Childe, I nodded and picked Small Scaramouche up.

"Hey! Put me down!" Demanded Scaramouche.

"Nope! I won't!" We headed of to wherever Childe was taking us, let's just say he kept teasing Scaramouche and calling him Short.

<after some while and after eating>
"How long is the potion for?" Asked Childe.

"Hm... according to Signore it only lasts for a day, so he'll be turning back tomorrow and probably kick your butt-" I Said.

"Hmp-" Said Scaramouche, we kept talking whilst we were going to the forest. I felt something or someone was watching me but ignored it and kept up with Childe, then Scaramouche tugged my sleeve making me look at him but then he was looking at Childe?


I heard a scream and saw Childe glaring at some treasure hoarders, I felt Scaramouche tug my sleeve again and I looked back at him.

"Did you...?" Scaramouche nodded.
"Childe, you can stop now" I Said, he nodded and punched the treasure hoarders one more time and we started to walk back but Childe decided to hold my hand?"

"they should mind their own business" Mumbled Childe, I nodded.
"I wonder if Lumine could destroy them?"

"You mean the Traveller? She was on a commission to defeat some treasure hoarders" I said, Childe's eyes lit up.
"I see she peeked your interest huh?" He nodded.

"Hm...." glared Scaramouche.

<after they arrived back>
"You can go back to your rooms" Said Signora.
"Also Y/n, take Scaramouche into your room just in case he decides to cause a rampage" Laughed Signora, Scaramouche glared at her I picked him up and took him to my room.

"I hate her" growled Scaramouche.

"You can't blame her you could cause a rampage at some point when you turn back" I Said, he looked at me as if I betrayed him.
"What?" I Said, I yawned and tucked myself in my bed. Scaramouche also climbed and fell asleep.
"Okay this is just too adorable" I giggled, falling asleep too.

<the morning>
I opened my eyes as the sun ray blinded me. 'I forgot to change- oh well' I thought, I went outside and saw Scaramouche and Childe arguing.

"If your wondering, Scaramouche is jealous of Tartaglia" Said Signora, I looked at her with a questioning look.
"Probably when Tartaglia held your hand and you didn't do nothing about it"

"Why am I not surprised" I Said, I walked between them.
"Why are you two arguing about?"

"Well shortie here is just jealous that I got to hold your hand but you did nothing about it!~" teased Childe, Scaramouche's eyes widened in pure anger.

"YOU!" Childe shrugged his shoulder.

"Geez Scaramouche Calm Down" Said Childe, let's just say Childe got beaten up pretty bad.

"Childe you good there?" I Asked, he nodded his head.
"Scaramouche why? Just why? If your that jealous you could of just said something" I Said, he looked at me then looked away blushing.

"He'll just tease me until I feel like breaking his bones" growled Scaramouche, looking at Childe.

"Okay Okay! Childe you apologies then you Scara" I sighed, Childe said sorry then Scara.
"Geez now you need to be healed-"

"I'll take care of that" Said Signora taking Childe and leading him to the medical room.

"Scara..." I Said sighing, Scaramouche hugged me all of a sudden.

"Hush" Mumbled Scaramouche, I sighed.

"Fine~" I Said, he pecked my lips making me blush.
"Scara!- really?" I stuttered, He giggled.

"Yes really~" purred Scaramouche.

"Geez you might be the death of me" I giggled, he smiled and hugged me.
"We're staying in this position?" He nodded.

~the end~
I didn't know what I was doing 0v0 I have you enjoyed this, TikTok keeps showing me Gorou and I'm simping like I want to give him my heart anyone else?
( • . •)
/ >❤️

Anyways! ~ Anymore requests?

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