🌺 MALE KONAN: Paper airplanes 🍥

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🌺 🍥 = fluff

🌧🍥 = angst

🍋🍥 = Smut

Modern Au

It's been two weeks since Naruto kept receiving paper airplanes on his desk.

The paper airplanes he's been receiving aren't the original kind.

No, these paper airplanes are different..They're special.

The paper airplanes are from a secret admirer, the secret admirer must've written the lovely messages and folded them into a paper airplane. Naruto thinks it's quite impressive.

The paper airplanes also consist of hints, hints that may lead to their identity. But small hints as the secret admirer doesn't want to give up their identity too soon.

Naruto was eager to find another note, hopping since this had been going on too long they might have given up their identity to him.

He just wants to find out who it is, though he does have a list of people who might be it.









That's all that's left after he crossed out rest. Though he knows he shouldn't stress out over something like this. When the time comes, the secret admirer will reveal themselves.

What he didn't know was that day would be today.


Naruto sighed as a form of relief when he put those heavy books into his locker. He had been carrying them all day, his shoulder needed a break.

As he was putting the books up, he saw another letter fall out.

He decided to read the letter at his shared dorm.

Naruto shares a dorm with this guy named 'Konan'. Though he wasn't there today. Usually he'd be sitting at the desk making origami's. 'Strange' Naruto thought as he changed out of his school clothes.

Today Konan was acting weird..Naruto mumbled while sitting down at the edge of his bed. He took the note from his pocket and read it .


Naruto was eager, today he was going to find out who his secret admirer was!

He ran to the closet nearly tripping and changed as fast as he could.

When he was done changing he threw on his shoes and ran out of the dorm

Nearly tripping again, on his shoe laces. He felt as if he had no time to tie his shoes.


5 minutes later he made it up the hill where the cherry blossom Sakura tree was located.

He nervously sped-walked his way towards the tree, the more he made it up the hill

The more he could see a person standing there, his back faced Naruto.

Naruto finally made it up the hill, luckily not stumbling down. That would've been embarrassing, he thought. He softly tapped the purple haired boy on his shoulder not wanting to give him a scare. When he turned around it was to Naruto's shock that that same boy was Konan.

Konan was Naruto's former classmate and roommate. They often talked to each other but rarely ever hung out. Naruto had a crush on him since primary school.

Naruto didn't notice he was staring at Konan, till he spoke up.

"U-uhm, Naruto..?" He said handing out another note, but this time it was an origami of a fox.

Naruto's favorite animal, he took the origami from Konan's hands and read the note

It was a few silent seconds till Naruto finished reading the note.

"Konan---I---I" Naruto stuttered with tears in his eyes. That note was the sweetest note he ever read.

Before Konan could even ask if Naruto was okay, Naruto ran towards Konan and jumped on him. Hugging him, Naruto's head on his chest. Of course Konan hugged him back.

The crying boy lifted his head up, still hugging Konan with his head on his chest.

"Is..that a yes..?" Konan said chuckling softly at the boy's behavior.

"OF COURSE IT'S A YES, TEME!" Naruto said while hugging Konan tighter.

Konan played with Naruto's soft golden locks, tears in his eyes, as this was the happiest moment in their lives.

619 words

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