🌹Snowy day 🌹

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🌹= smut

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🥀 = Angst

Menma Namikaze x Naruto 

🌨️❄️Snowy day 🌨️❄️

Contains: Swear words, raw (smutt), Degrading, public sex, bdsm??

"Pleaseeee!" Naruto begged Menma as he sat on his lower stomach. It was mid December and it started to snow (snow). Sure it did snow but it was only slim snow yaknow, not enough to have a snowball fight or build a snowman. Now that it's snowing heavily (where you can have a snowball fight and build a snowman) Menma doesn't want to come out of the house. He keeps telling Naruto it's too cold, but Naruto just thinks he's being lazy.

"Naruto I thought I told-" "Yeah yeah 'it's too cold' 🙄" Naruto mocked. "If you know then stop asking already and stop being stubborn!" Menma scolded as he flicked Naruto's forehead. "Hey! Stop doing that! That's a uchiha thing!" Naruto yelled rubbing his now red forehead (he left a mark) "yeah sure they invented flicking people 🙄" Menma mocked. "Oh shut up." Naruto said getting off of Menma. He walked upstairs and into the bedroom and slammed the door. 'He's mad at me, isn't he?' Menma thought. He sighed and went upstairs to the bedroom. He twisted the doorknob expecting to open up. It didn't bulge. 'Naruto really locked me out, huh.' He thought.

Menma banged on the door causing the person inside to yelp from surprise. "What!" Naruto yelled, clearly annoyed. "Open up." Menma said in a monotone like always. "Hmm," Naruto said as he 'thought' about it. "No." He answered back. This only aggravated Menma more. "Baby please open up~" he said in a husky voice. Naruto gulped. Menma only calls him baby if he's pissed at him and that usually leads to rough, raw, and angry sex. "Uhhh, I'll think about it!" Naruto shrieked as another bang was sent. "Hah. So funny. I'd like to remind you who's the Dom in this relationship. Now I'll tell you again. Open. The. Door." Menma growled. This had caused Naruto to become extremely nervous. 'If I open the door then he'll give me a punishment—If I don't then he'll bust down the door and give me a harsher punishment—What happens if...I... Escape through the window..?' cautiously thought while tuning out the bang at the door. He made his decision. He decided to try and escape. Oh you poor bby 🥺 we'll pray for you. Naruto hurriedly unlocked the window as Menma was close to breaking the door down, Naruto carefully but fastly jumped down from the window and landed into the soft and cold snow. As he ran from the house thinking of where to hide. 

Menma finally successfully broke down the door to only see his bby gone. 'So he got brave enough and tried to escape..? Well this is going to be fun..' Menma thought as he looked at the footprints in the snow.

Naruto's pov: Oh God, I regret running away! It's not that cold out here but I fear that the later it'll get the more the temperature will drop. At Least I wore a long kimono today!

What's Naruto is wearing 

What's Naruto is wearing 

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