Chapter 27 - No I in Team

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Hereford Base, England
18th November 2019
Sunday, 10:07 A.M

[Y/N's] POV-

We started walking the quiet halls of the base.

It's such a strange feeling leaving. We haven't been here long but it does feel like home away from home.

It was still Me, Evo, Rossi and Eagle...the original team, with a pretty special plus one.

As we turned a corner, we saw one of the groups that joined with us.

I can't remember any of their names, so I kept my head down as we walked past.

They looked at us, a little suspicious about what we were doing.

I started to look back towards them but Ela pulled my hand back forward and we kept walking on.

'How're you doing?' I quietly asked her.

'Fine. Just want to get out.' She answered back, a bit angrily.

'Are you not going to miss anyone?'

'No. Zofia always said I wasn't the emotional sister. I'm the rebellious one. It's just what I'm like. My Fath-
...Never mind'

I didn't want to pursue that thought any further.

Thankfully the others didn't hear our conversation. I still don't think Ela fully trusts them fully.

I'm surprised she trusts me, it doesn't feel like she gives her trust out easily.

We kept walking toward the door.

One last corner and we're there.

We rounded the corner and....

'Hey Sis.'


'What do you want Zof?'

'I heard about you guys and your...plan. I can only assume you want to join something else. But it won't be as good as Team Rainbow.' Zofia said.

'I know. But I've got no choice, I was kicked out.' Ela replied.

'I.... I know. But you need to take your gear. I've moved it all to a separate cabinet. If you get what I mean.'

'Yeah...yeah I get you. Are you guys cool with that?' Ela asked us.

We all nodded and acknowledged her.

'Take care. You can all talk to me if you need anything.' Zofia said to all of us.

'Thanks Sis.'

'If YOU need anything Ela. Let me know...I just....Please stay close.'

'I will. I promise.'

They both shared a warm hug before quickly separated.

Ela put her arm around my waist and pulled me towards a separate door leading to the armoury.

Zofia waved us off and I waved back before being guided through the door.

'She seems really sad.'

'She probably is. But the sensible option is for her to stay and us to go.'

I didn't reply and just held her a little tighter as we approached the door leading to the arms room.

We entered the room, which was piled with cabinets, all of them full with guns, ammo and equipment.

Ela walked over to a very specific cabinet, which had her logo spray painted to the front.

She pulled the door open and revealed it's contents.

There were Rifles, SMG's and a collection of pistols and ammunition.

'Okay guys. We'll need all of this. Can someone grab a bag or two?'

Evo went to go and grab a couple of gear bags. They were only about as big as a regular gym bag, just with more padding.

The rest of us were looking over the gear.

'This'll all of charge. I know Zofia's on our side. Rainbow won't miss these.'

Ela grabbed her Scorpion EVO, once again with her logo on the side, along with an RG-15 pistol, and some impact model grenades.

Evo came back with a backpack and 2 empty bags.

'Here you go guys.' She said, throwing them onto the floor.

Ela loaded all of her gear into the bag, then looked up at us.

'I'm going to go and get something...special. Can you guys fill the bags?'

'Sure, do we need to save some space for you?' Rossi asked, picking up a few boxes of 9mm magazines.

'Yes, but not much.' She said, Walking into a small room and out of our view.

I turned back to the cabinet, which not only had Ela's gear but two MPX sub machine guns, an MP5, an L85A2 and one G36C.

In a little drawer under the gear were four 9mm P9 pistols.

'Wonder if there was any rhyme or reason for those in particular?' Rossi asked, pulling one of the MPX's out.

'Don't know...but we'll need them all.' Eagle replied, also grabbing an MPX and packing it carefully into the bag.

I grabbed the MP5 and loaded it into the other bag, while Evo and Eagle packed the remains of their bag with  as much ammunition as they could.

There were about 10 magazines for each gun.

I loaded the MP5 carefully into the spare bag as Rossi handed me the G36C.

'Here you go mate. What did Ela go and get?'

'I've got no idea. But we should leave some space...otherwise you can tell her to carry whatever she's got.'

'We're all packed. The two MPX's and the L8 are in our bag.' Eagle called over to us, zipping the bag up.

'We've got the MP5, G3 and Ela's gear. Evo, have you got your gear ready?' I asked, lifting our bag into the nearest surface.

'Yeah, I've got the handguns in the backpack.'

Just on schedule, Ela re-emerged out of the room, cradling about 15 of her gadgets all balancing on top of each other.

'Here, hold the bag open.' She asked

I was happy to oblige and held the sides of the bag open while she poured the small mines into the bag.

They just about fit into the bag and we tightly zipped it up, placing it with the others.

'Okay, we all ready?' Ela asked.

All of us nodded.

'Good. You can all learn from an agent of chaos.'

Author Note -

Hi Guys.

Hope you l enjoyed that part as much as it was dull!

I want to make the story unlike a lot of other R6 stories and make it unique.

I haven't played R6 in years...think the last time I played was the release of Osa.

Ela is still the best Operator though.

Anyway, I'll see you guys in the next part.


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 20, 2023 ⏰

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