Chapter 21 - New Dawn

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Hereford Base, England
18th November 2019
Sunday, 8:38 A.M

[Y/N's] POV -

I woke up, sprawled on my bed.

There wasn't an alarm sound to wake me up but I knew I had woken up early because if the light coming from under my door and the quiet voices on the other side.

Even though I'm a Team Rainbow member...mornings still suck.

I couldn't tell who was outside of my door.

My eyes began to adjust to the light and everything became less blurry.

It was still surreal that my squad had been accepted so quickly.

Surely there's a reason for it...

I hope so anyway.

As much as my legs didn't want me to, I forced myself to sit up and then stand up.

I began to look around for my clothes...but as I looked down, I saw that I never took them off before I slept.

'Shit.' I quietly murmured.

I walked to the bathroom...even though it was more like a stumble.

As I opened the door, I immediately saw a can of deodorant, which I grabbed instantly.

I didn't read the label on the can but I sprayed it on.

I used a quarter of the bottle to try and mask any smells coming from me.

As I was leaving, I remembered...shower.

I locked my bathroom door and began to get undressed.

I took my top off and threw it off to the side, followed by my trousers and...everything thing else.

This'll have to be a quick shower.

Ela's POV -

'Yeah...I'll see you soon Ela.' Grace said.

I had finally finished a conversation with Dokkaebi about Rossi.

Even though [Y/N] spoke to him, I still want to talk to him.

This is going to suck.

I walked over the catwalk towards Rossi's door.

I wanted to get [Y/N] to help me but...I don't want to be clingy.

As I walked towards his door, I began to think if we would have anything to do today...normally we relax routines on Sunday...but I don't trust Six to keep it like that for the rookies.

That's not the top of my priority's now though...

I knocked three times on the brown door in Front of me.

It was suspenseful waiting for the door to open.

He was awake or someone was...the footsteps in his room we're obvious.

After a while, the handle was turned and the door swung open.

'Hi Ela.' Rossi said, tiredly.

'Hi Rossi, can I talk with you?' I said.

'I'm not in trouble?' He said in a childish voice, smiling at me.

Maybe this won't be as bad as I thought after all...

I smiled back at him,

'Can I come in?'

'Sure, just remember to take your shoes off.' He joked again.

I giggled a little before walking in.

'How can I help Ela?' He said.

'I wanted to talk about you and [Y/N].' I said.

'Oh...I don't mind. I mean...if you guys want to date, go for it.' He said.

'Well...Umm. I thought you were pissed.'

'I've come to terms with it...I think I was angry in the heat of the moment. This is good for the both of you.' He replied.

'Oh...thanks. That's basically all I wanted to talk to you about.' I said.

'Cool. I'll see you later I guess.'

I walked back out as fast as I walked in, shutting the door behind me.

I guess I need to tell [Y/N]...Hopefully he's not doing anything.

[Y/N's] POV -

Three minutes after I got out of the shower, there was a knock on my door.

'It's Open!' I called out.

The door slowly opened and a green haired girl walked in.

'Hey Ela.' I said.

'Hey [Y/N].' She replied, as she shut my door and walked over to me.

'What's going on?' I asked.

'I just spoke to Rossi, he seemed his usual self. Jokes and all.'

'Really? I guess that's good. He say anything about us?'

'No. He said he was happy for us.'

'Awesome.' I said, laying back.

Ela laid back with me and put her head on my arm like a pillow.

It was amazing that all of this had happened.

We both just lay together; enjoying each other's company.

Until I broke the silence.

'So...what're we doing today?' I asked.

'I dunno. I was thinking we might have a-'

'All New Recruits To the Shoot House.'

The voice came from Six speaking into a PA system.

'What's the shoot house?' I said reluctantly.

'It's a training ground's a layout of an old model of our Hereford base.' Ela replied.

'And...what's the point in that?'

'We set up small situations in there. You know, like fake hostage situations or something like that. A team needs to complete it within a time limit.'

'Fucking Great.'

'It's not that's just not ideal.'

'Are you sure it's not that bad or are you just saying that?' I asked

'I'll let you decide, let's go.'

Author Note -

Hey Guys,

It's the guy with no schedule again!

My life's been hectic since LockDown was lifted where I'm from.

It's not an excuse. I hope I did you guys justice by adding some new content and hopefully making some strange story choices.

Anyway, I'm going to try and get into a flow again, but with the current situation not improving...I'm not to sure about the direction I'm going to be taking.

I've been taking a break from siege recently too. I'm not good at the game at all, and I'm constantly getting outmatched. Hopefully I can get back into it soon enough...

And finally, we hit 3,000 reads recently! It's surreal to see how fast this book is growing.

I really hope that I can keep delivering for you guys, the support your showing is amazing and I appreciate every single one of you.

I love you guys.


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