Chapter 3 - Purple Goggles

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Hereford Base, England
17th November 2019
Saturday, 8:24 A.M

No POV -

After a few minutes, the squad were all served.

There wasn't anything special going on, it was a mini buffet, with a wide range of foods.

The squad has gotten a table in the corner, and were all eating the food they had gotten, away from the main team Squads.

The other recruit squads were sitting near to Black's squad, but keeping conversations between themselves.

[Y/N's] POV -

I looked down at my watch, and saw the time was 8:25.

'Right, scoff the rest of your shit, we need to go if you actually want to see anything.' I said, standing up.

Rossi started to giggle like a 12 year old....

'Scoff your shit. Ha!'


'Y-You have to admit it sounded wrong.'

I gave him a blank stare and turned around, walking away from the squad, I could hear them stand up behind me.

We all walked towards the canteen door, passing the table where Zofia was.

I noticed that she was staring at Rossi with pissed off eyes, Which is just what I needed to deal with.

We went through the double doors and headed straight down the corridor that we had come out of.

'So, where do we go?' Evo asked.

'I guess we can just walk around a bit, go into places we haven't been yet. Aslong as we find the gym, we'll be okay.' I replied.

We continued to walk down the corridor, and came to a blind left turn around a corner.

We just strolled around the corner, not expecting much to be there but as soon as we turned the corner, another squad of people were coming the other way.

Me and Rossi both bumped into a member of the squad, with Evo and Eagle stopping in time.

'You all good lad?' A strong British accent said.

'Yeah I'm fine, how 'bout yourself?' I said, rubbing my chest where we had collided.

'I'm fine.' He replied, we didn't collide hard enough to hurt one another but still, as the new recruits, we need to be quite polite...for the time being.

Rossi had collided into a girl, who had black and white hair.

I looked over at her arm and noticed a South-Korean flag near her shoulder.

'Ah okay?' Rossi said, rubbing his head.

They had clearly head butted each-other because they were both rubbing their heads.

'I'm fine....but I can't find my glasses....they fell off my face.' She replied.

I looked down and saw them behind her.

I walked over to them and bent down to pick them up.

As I reached my hand out, another hand reached out with mine.

The hand had a green fingerless glove on it.

I looked up at the person who had reached for the glasses as well as me, and it was a woman.

Love Is ChaosOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora