Chapter 6 - Who's Next

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Hereford Base, England
17th November 2019
Saturday, 9:47 A.M

[Y/N's] POV -

We arrived at the bottom of the flight of stairs after about a minute of walking, which I didn't mind.

'Fucking Hell!'

Well....Rossi did.

'You really need to get to the gym.' Eagle said to him.

'Hey, I've been today. Bulking season.'  Rossi said.

'You say that every time!' Eagle replied.

'No I don't!'

'Yeah, You do!'

Ela started to laugh and I shook my head.

'Thanks for taking these guys off my hands. You'd better get used to this.' I said to her.

'They're's nice to be with some funny people for once.' She replied.

'Hmmm, is there no one that's really 'funny' at Team Rainbow?' I questioned.

'Probably...I don't want to talk to anyone though...apart from Zofia and Dokkaebi.' Ela said quietly, looking down.

'Hey, don't sweat it, we're all friends now if you need to talk. I've had these guys help before I-'

'I'll go to the gym tomorrow!' Rossi shouted.

'Well..... they don't look like it but they're helpful enough.' I said, loud enough for them to hear.

Ela laughed and then sighed,

'Thanks Bla- [Y/N].' She said, lightly blushing red.

'No problem, you can always talk to me if you want to avoid their shit.'

'Actually, can I talk to you a bit later....In private?' Ela said, rubbing the back of her neck.

I immediately jumped at the offer....maybe a bit too much.

'Yeah, sure, when's that gonna be?'

'Ummm...after this session, we should get our dorms....I'll come to your room.' Ela said, a bit taken a back.

'Sure...sorry if I was a bit enthusiastic. I get like that.' I said, basically lying to her face.

I've never gotten like that before...only around Ela.

'It's fine, It was kinda.....nevermind.' Ela said, looking up.

By now, we were outside and walking to the group.

They were next to a firing range, with targets popped up and ready to be used. It was an outdoor range with a decent amount of targets.

We were the last ones to arrive but we're still ahead of Six and Montagne.

We arrived at the group, which consisted of the three new squads, Thatcher, Dokkaebi and Maestro.

We joined the side of the group.

Ela went and stood with the other operators, leaving me on the end of the new squads.

Ela looked at me and gently smiled.

I smiled back and looked around.

I looked at all of the other squads, who were all a bit suspicious of why Ela was walking with our squad.

I then heard a woman call out,

'Okay! Before the next test, I have a small announcement.'

It was Six and....not Montagne.

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