Chapter 11 - Fantasy

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Unknown, Unknown.
Unknown, Unknown.

[Y/N's] POV -

I quickly woke up In a dark room.

I had no clue what time it was, but the room was completely black.

I put my hand infront of my face and couldn't see anything.

'Hello?' I called out.

Unsurprisingly, there was no reply.

I wasn't in my boxers anymore either....I had a full outfit on but I couldn't tell what it was.

I slung my legs from the bed and stood up.

I tried to remember my rooms layout and where the light switch was.

I put my hands infront of me and walked forward, towards the wall where the light switch would be.

I felt my hands push against something solid, which I began to feel for a switch.

Eventually, I glanced over the switch and found it.

I quickly flicked the switch, lighting up the room.

I had to cover my eyes, while they got used to the light.

When my vision returned, I realised that I wasn't in my room, and was in a big open space, with no furniture, windows or doors.

There was a person standing in the middle of the room.

They had a hoodie and a pair of jeans on, with some black trainers.

The hood was pulled over the persons head, hiding who it was.

I began to walk up to them, looking down while I did.

I was wearing the same thing as the person, except it was white and my hood was down.

I didn't bring anything that looked like this to I don't know how I'm wearing it now.

As I got closer, it was clear to see that it was a female....their figure was too slim for it to be a Male....atleast too slim to be a healthy Male.

When I was touching distance, they turned around.

It was Dokkaebi... who didn't look surprised to see me.

She smiled at me, before pulling down her hood.

'What's Going On?' I asked Her,

Before she said anything, she walked behind me.

I turned to look at her but she wasn't there....the whole room had changed.

It looked like a bar now...there were tables packed with people and a clear bar behind them.

I couldn't hear much over the music being played and people shouting to each other.

I began to walk through the tables, trying to push my way through to the bar.

As I walked up to the bar, I noticed someone.

It was...Ela?

She was staring at me and smiling.

I quickly walked over to her and said,

'Ela...What's going on?'

'We're on a date silly!'

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