Chapter 13 - Over A Coffee

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Hereford Base, England
17th November 2019
Saturday, 6:04 P.M

[Y/N's] POV -

It was quite a long drive to the coffee shop...but I guess you wouldn't have an anti-terrorist base near anything.

The car journey was relatively quiet, apart from the odd question or remark.

The radio stopped it from being awkward.

As we pulled onto the town, we arrived at an intersection.

The light was on green, so Ela kept going.

As she did, a Black Ford cut in-front of us and sped off.

Ela wasn't happy...

'Czy ten skurwiel jest poważny?!'

'What?' I laughed.

'What a complete fu....' Ela said, taking a breath.

She looked at me and giggled.

I laughed back and looked back out the window.

We began to start moving again, and I let out a yawn.

Can't wait to get there....I'm nervous but excited.

Ela is an amazing girl. I hope it goes well.

Don't Fuck it up [Y/N]

'Okay, we're here.'

I sat back up in surprise....the shop was really close to the edge of the town.

We had parked up at the front of the shop and Ela was waiting for me.

'Wow that was...quick.' I said, a bit shocked.

'That's my driving.' Ela said, laughing.

I laughed back and opened the door.

As I did, I began to think.

Ela seems fine around other people...I'm not sure what is stopping her from being the most sought after.

We both got out of the car, and walked towards the coffee shop door.

I got to the door first, and held it open for Ela.

Once again, she walked through and smiled at me.

I followed her in and we walked to the counter.

The whole shop smelt like coffee and tea.

It was quite warm and calm.

We got to the counter and a small, happy girl walked up to us.

'Hi! Can I get your order?' She said.

Ela spoke up,

'Can I have a....Latte?'

'You can indeed....And what'll you have?' She said looking at me.

'Ummm...I'll just have a cappuccino.' I said.

*You can get any drink you want*

'Sure thing...' she said.

Ela looked a little annoyed at the woman serving us.

'That'll be £7.40....for you.' The woman said.

I put my hand into my pocket, but I felt an arm wrap around mine.

Ela was holding my arm, looking up at me.

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