Chapter 26 - Disavowed

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Hereford Base, England
18th November 2019
Sunday, 9:48 A.M

[Y/N's] POV-


Welp. Awkward.

I'd explained fully what happened to Ela to the guys and no one answered.

'I don't care if you guys follow me. I understand if you want to stay on Team Rainbow. I want to stay here but I can't. I'm not working under those rules.' I ranted.

There wasn't an answer until Rossi stepped up.

'We've been through a lot Brother. A fuck ton. You remember what I told you a few years ago in that Helicopter?' He said.

'You love me dearly?' I joked.

'Yes...and that I'd stick with you because you stuck by me. I'm with you guys.' He replied.

'I knew I could trust you Brother.'

'I've been on Team Rainbow all of a few hours but I don't think I can forgive that for a million years. That wasn't fair on you Ela.' Eagle replied.

I was praying she said yes, because Evo would follow.

'I'm with you guys.' She said, giving Ela a hug.

'Evo?' I said.

'I think you know my answer before you asked the question.' He replied.

'You're with us?'

'Hell yeah.' He smirked.

'Right, Dokkaebi. I understand if you don't, but if you really want to, we'd be happy to have you. It's your choice.'

'I don't think I's been a dream to be here and as much as I hate Six for what she did. I've spent too long to get here. I'm sorry guys.' She replied.

'I get it. You've got friends here. You're always a friend to us Grace.' I replied.

'You too.' She said, walking out.

'Okay Boss man. What now?' Ela said quietly.

'We tell Six and we leave?' Rossi asked.

'We start out our little team. We won't be able to respond as widely as Team Rainbow but if we can get lucky, we can help out the police and law enforcement with situations, until we got the attention of another Team... Or until Ela gets reinstated.' I said, proudly.

'Sounds good.' Rossi said.

'I'm down.' Evo replied.

'A career for a bit of fun? Fuck yeah.' Eagle joked.

I knelt to Ela's level.

'See? You're still our Squad Leader if you want.' I said.

She quickly hugged me and stood up.

After she quickly let go, she turned to the others.

'Thanks Guys. You all mean so much to me after such a short time.' She said.

They all smiled.

'So. Let's go hand in some resignations.' I joked, trying to hide my nerves.

We all walked out the door and straight towards Six's office.

It's a good thing we never bought much worth worrying about.

Ela pulled her phone out and called someone.

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