Chapter 22 - ShootHouse

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Hereford Base, England
18th November 2019
Sunday, 8:38 A.M

[Y/N's] POV -


'You, Iana, Thatcher, Dokkaebi and Zofia are going to be attacking against Me, Rossi, Eagle, Mira and Warden.'

'So...I get to shoot at Rossi?'

'Don't sounds too excited.'

'Who is Iana by the way? They're the only operator I've not met yet.' I asked.

'She joined Team Rainbow recently, but Is still an operator, so is as important as the operators that have been here for a while...and Mute has a crush on her but you didn't hear that from me.' Ela said, trailing off at the end.

'Umm. Who's mute?'

'You'll find out.'

'Well then. That's that.'

We were both outside of the Shoothouse, waiting for the final team members to finish their preparations.

I was still a little confused about what we were going to be doing. But I guess it can't be that hard.

We had all been given air soft variants of two guns, the L85A2 Rifle or the M59A1 shotgun.

Everyone On the Attacking side took the L85A2 whereas most defenders took the M59A1, with Ela and Eagle taking the L85A2.

'Alright, we're ready.' A voice said from behind me.

I turned to see who it was and saw a white haired wan stood behind me.

'Hi, I'm Iana. You must be Black.' She said, offering a hand.

'Nice to meet you.' I said, taking the hand.

She smiled at me and I turned back the House.

Rossi was stood behind me as I turned around.

Where'd Ela go?

'Oh. Hey man.' I said.

'Sup. So, we're on different teams for once?' He said.

'Yeah...looks that way.'

'Well. I won't be nice because we're friends.' He said, winking.

'I thought we were close.' I said, jokingly.

Rossi blew a fake kiss at me, which made me laugh.

Thatcher then spoke up,

'We all ready?'

Everyone nodded and split into their respective teams.

'Not gonna be nice!' Rossi shouted again.

'Okay, defenders, you have a minute from now to set up.' Thatcher said.

All of the defenders ran into the front door.

Me and Ela both looked at each other and she gave me a wink before disappearing.

'Okay. Stick Together. We clear room by room.' Thatcher said.

'Got it.' Zofia said.

'Iana, you check rooms first. If there's a hostile, Zofia can stun and we can clear. We'll use speed to our advantage.' Thatcher continued.

'What about phones? I can hack them in about two seconds.' Dokkaebi asked.

'Well that's two seconds too slow.'

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