{Face My Fury}

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Requested by AnitaPujari: I need to see a chapter of Peter and Fury's meeting in {Appreciate Mr. Stark [Peter Meets the Rogue Avengers]}.

Please note that you can read this as a standalone or you can read it as a continuation for the {Appreciate Mr. Stark} series. 

Disclaimer: I dno't own Mraevl.


"Good morning, Mr. Fury," FRIDAY's calm Irish lilt said smoothly, "Please proceed to conference room 48B."

Nick Fury strode towards the conference room, not bothering to reply to the AI.

"Where's Stark?" Fury asked the AI coldly as soon as he entered the room.

"Oh, Mr. Stark didn't call you over," Peter said, entering the room, "I did."

Fury was familiar with Peter Parker. The kid was fiercely protective of his mentor. He was also a genius according to Stark, and the sweetest boy he knew. 

Right now, however, there was nothing sweet about the kid. 

"What do you want, Parker," Fury asked, pushing his uneasiness away.

"What I want?" Peter's eyes flashed, "What I want to know is what gave you the right to force Mr. Stark to accept the rogues in his home?"

Fury sighed, "Is that what all this is about? It's Stark's duty-"

"How exactly is it his duty? And it's Mr. Stark to you Fury."

Fury breathed in deeply through his nose and was about to heave another heavy sigh. "You try and sigh again as if I'm wasting your time and I'll tie you up from the ceiling through your nose," Peter said, dead serious.

"He's an Avenger. He had agreed in the starting of the Avengers initiative that he would let the Avengers stay in the tower," Fury explained.

"Oh that's exactly my point," Peter smirked predatorily, "He agreed to let the Avengers live in the compound. Those guys, they're not the Avengers."

"I don't know what childish grudge you have against them, Parker, but you need to-" Peter held up his hand, eyes alighting with such intense anger, it silenced him. 

He looks like Pepper Potts right before she's about to destroy someone, Fury realized a moment too late.

"Just because I'm young does not mean I don't understand what's going on. And in this case, I definitely understand more than you," Peter snapped, "If you don't exactly remember, the UN has said that the Rogues will not be in the Avengers initiative and nor will they be considered the Avengers until they prove themselves trustworthy. Do you understand what this means?"

Peter stared at Fury right in the eye, talking as if he was speaking to a toddler, "This means that the people you forced Mr. Stark to accept in his house are not the Avengers, hence he has no obligation to keep them."

"But they are innocent," Fury said, raising an eyebrow and daring the boy to object.

"They're innocent?" Peter laughed mockingly, "Right, because innocent people cause a pregnant woman miscarriage because they didn't bother to clear an area of civilians before blasting it. Innocent people cause a 5-year-old to die slowly and painfully because the rubble trapped him inside so he couldn't go out for help. Innocent people cause a twenty-year-old boy to live his life confined in a wheelchair because they threw him off his motorcycle. I can easily pull out more civilians they've caused death to or had them disabled. Innocent," he scoffed.

Fury stayed silent, wildly searching his mind for something to defend them with.

"Here's what's going to happen now," Peter said softly, "You are going to tell those Rogues to stay the fuck away from Mr. Stark, I don't care where you get them settled, they can live in the streets for all I care. If they want to, they can try and earn dad's forgiveness, but they cannot force him to accept them in his house or his life. Have I made myself very clear?"

"What makes you think we'll listen to you?" Fury said, eyes glinting.

Peter stood up from his seat and calmly leaned towards him, "You seem to forget that although you might be a superspy, Mr. Stark is a genius with many allies who would lay down their life for him. Want me to remind you?"

"All he has is Rhodey and Pepper. I doubt anyone would lay down their life for him," Fury snorted.

Peter raised an eyebrow, "One: Rhodey, he has almost the entire air force at his command and is fiercely protective of his best friend. Two: Pepper has a legal team at her command that could literally drown you with lawsuits until you cannot even afford that eyepatch. Three: The King of Wakanda, T'Challa, is rather fond of Mr. Stark, and he also has an entire kingdom at his disposal. Four: Bruce Banner, or the Hulk, is very fond of dad, however irritated he might pretend to be, and he definitely won't be happy to hear what you're trying to force his friend to do. Five: Mr. Stark has AIs that can and will control all his Iron Man suits to protect him. Six: Spider-Man loves Mr. Stark. He has super strength, agility, and enhanced senses. Did I mention he is friends with other vigilantes like Deadpool, Daredevil, The Human Torch, and many others? And all of them would do anything for him and in turn Mr. Stark? That's quite a lot of people, isn't it Fury?"

Fury stood up, bristling, "Fine. I'll see to the Rogues," and with a dramatic swirl of his long coat, he strode towards the door to leave.

"Fury," Peter called, "I think you ought to know that you are no longer welcome in the Stark Tower unless it is a matter of life or death or apologizing to dad. Don't let the door hit you on your way out," he waved cheerfully.

He's called Stark dad quite a lot of times during his speech, Fury thought before the door automatically slammed shut, hitting his butt harshly.


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