Chapter 2

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Our Innie's birthday had finally come and my adorable younger brother was finally turning 2 years old and my parents thought it'd be a great idea to throw him a game competition-themed party. Ya know what 2-year-olds love and that's hardcore physical competitions.

When in reality the real ones in competition would me and the freckled face fucker across the street. With both of our families of course.

We were separated into two teams. The adults looked like they were having more fun than anything else while their two eldest sons fought for pride in themselves.  I could care less about anything else but beating Felix at every single game we played was my one true goal.

Like what was his deal did he think he was better than me? Was it jealousy? What's his motive for being so damn rude to me all the time. I wonder If his parents know he acts that way towards me. Was I just not likable? it was driving me insane and what I hated the most was that he knew I was overthinking about it.

From handstand races, bean sack races, ssireum, Mario cart I made sure I glared Felix down while participating in every single one.

I was still pressed over his weird outburst from our first week of school and he could tell. "Alright, Hyunjinnie and Felix you have 21 seconds to balance on the beam the last person standing wins!" My mom shouted and I was starting to question these game choices I mean who came up with this.

I snapped out of it after Felix's dad blew the whistle starting the game. I and Felix were face to face staring each other down. I got a better view of his entire face. His eyes were so....beautiful!

I hate to admit it his eyes had the most sparkle of brown I've ever seen. I chose to trash talk instead of creating awkward tension. "You think your hot shit now that you made a few friends" I mock thinking about the clown entourage I saw him hanging around the past few weeks.

"Me and them go way back since high school, and where are your friends? nonexistent huh" He replies with a smug look on his face and I chuckle thinking how long 21 seconds are.

"Your such a bully!" He mocks in an annoying tone supposedly imitating me. "Your annoying shut the hell up and you are!" I groan almost losing my balance while my dad yelled at me to stay still. I tried keeping a straight face in front of them all while arguing with Felix.

"I'm not a bully your just easy to annoy and make fun of" What a menace to society he's got issues. I can't believe at one point I found him attractive well I mean he still is but his attitude kind of ruined it for me.

"So your excuse for being a dick is that I'm easy to make fun of your logic is so-"

"18, 19, 20-" I hear my mom yell and neither of us had even budged to fall off the balance beam that is before Felix decided to stand inches near my face making me super uncomfortable and eventually losing balance and placing one foot onto the ground.

"Woohoo! Goodjob Felix!" His parents yell and I deep sigh watching him hug his parents with a smile celebrating their win over us.

"Aw, better luck next time let's eat shall we eat? It's getting late" My mom suggests as they eventually walk into the house to prepare the dining room.

I decided on sitting on the grass where I stayed before feeling a presence approach me.

"If you want to be my friend so bad just say that," Felix says reaching out his hand out to me with an emotionless look on his face. I look him up and down before reaching my hand out to his and of course, the childish asshole flips me off and turns away back into the house.

It got so bad I started questioning myself.

Did I really hate the way he acted or did I find it attractive?

Rude Boy | hyunlixTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang