Chapter 7

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Minho and I were having a great time despite my morning being ruined. I was showing my old pictures from high school one of the most embarrassing ones being one of me attending my first kpop concert with my best friend. "Gosh, that's hilarious my stomach hurts" Minho says wiping tears away and I felt content.

"Oh I'm sorry I should've asked earlier would you like something to drink? Or eat?" I ask looking down at him cross-legged on my floor. "Water would be fine please" He replies and I remove myself from my seat not realizing how much time had passed. I peek into my brother's room seeing him still sound asleep the medicine must've worked.

I make my way downstairs to check on Felix and to see If he finally left before turning into the kitchen seeing someone in my fridge. "....What are you doing?" I ask looking down at Jisung who had several of my dad's beers in his hands. "Bro! Good afternoon nice to see you!" He says closing the fridge and my eye twitches before storming into the living room seeing Chris and Felix playing video games with the tv blasting.

"What are you guys doing here?!" I say looking around at the mess they created in the living room. "Don't worry Hwang I already asked your dad If they could hang out he says it's cool" Felix speaks up taking a beer from Jisung who had handed one to Chris also. "Hi Hyunjin" Chris smiles sweetly waving at me and I grab at my hair confused as hell.

"I'm pretty sure he didn't say trash our living room either!" I say pushing Felix off of the bean bag and taking the already half-sipped beer out of Jisungs mouth. "You guys aren't even old enough to drink what the hell is going on?!" I say irritated and Felix stands up opening up his big mouth to speak.

He was so close I could see every detail of the freckles on his cheeks. "Chris is 22 he's our parental figure," He says and I roll my eyes. "Felix!" "Alright alright look here's the message your dad sent us and we'll keep it down so Jeongin won't wake up...besides you have a friend over why can't I?" Was that what this was all about.

"How about you have friends over at your own house? For someone who supposedly hates me your really obsessed with me Kid!"

"Insulting me and using my lingo against me you hurt my heart princess" I scrunched my eyes noway he said that to me. In that low tone. Before I could blush I push him back down on the bean bag. How dare he. Also who told him to wear a tank top revealing his many few tattoos and toned shoulders what was his goal here.

"Ahem" Chris says intentionally looking away awkwardly as so did Jisung. "No way is this classic Mario?!" Minho says surprising me I hadn't noticed he came downstairs. "Minho bro you should join us!" Chris says and Minho excitedly sits down on the couch next to Jisung.

"Yoohoo nice to meet you" Jisung says leaning over the couch and offering his hand out to him. "And you are?" "Oh I'm sorry I'm a second-year Economics student at EEH, Jisung" Jisung jumps over the couch and starts a full conversation with Minho. I sigh and crossed my arms looking over the 4 men piled into my living room. What was I going to do now. I lost Minho to them there was probably no going back now.

"C'mon Hyunjin chill out join us" Chris says as he and Felix look up at me with pleading eyes. Felix looked me up and down and It gave me a very chilling feeling. Why was he checking me out so much? "Fine but I'm not drinking there's still a toddler here so you guys shouldn't drink much either okay!" I say sitting on the carpet next to Felix.

"You got it dad!" Jisung says taking another swig and offering Minho a sip who politely declined.

Hours passed and eventually, my parents made it home and we had to take our shenanigans to the backyard. "Alright last game and I gotta get out of here," Minho said. We had ended up playing and talking for hours and for the first time I could see a genuine smile on Felix's face he looked like he was enjoying himself but I told myself It's only because he was with his friends.

"Alright spin the bottle? Or truth or dare? " Jisung asks and I felt like I knew where this was going. "I haven't played those games since middle school but let's go with truth or dare or are you guys too chicken?" Chris says drunkenly throwing his arm over Felix's shoulder.

"Fine let's play it" I say down to see what could happen. Everything that followed was a hilarious disaster. Everyone was shouting the most ridiculous shit. "Chris I dare you to kiss the ugliest person here" Chris gets up and immediately goes for Jisung who pushes him away. "What the hell!?"

"Minho truth or dare" I challenge thinking of a good one.


"I dare you to send the headmaster a nasty email about how much you hate him" "No way! I'd be kicked out immediately"

"Aww that sucks you gotta pay up Mr student body" I tease and he pinches my cheek before scooting closer to me. "Uhh..truth or dare Hyunjin"Jisung asks and I take a sip of water before thinking. "Dare why not" "I dare you to lick the cupcake frosting off of Felix's face" I raise my eyebrow before looking over at Felix.

"There's no frosting on his face," I say, and immediately after Jisung hurls a chocolate cupcake at his face and red icing plasters all over his neck and the side of his face. "Oh your fucking dead Han" Felix says standing to his feet and wrestling his buddy on the opposite couch.

"I'm sorry I'm sorry!" Jisung screams while we all watched Felix twist his arm backward. Once they were done wrestling and fighting I take a deep breath and lean over Felix licking a long stride of the remaining red icing off of his neck.

"I hate red dye" I say awkwardly wiping my face off while everyone sat in complete silence almost as if they were shocked. I felt so embarrassed god why did It get so awkward.

"Uh haha uhmm this was fun but It's getting late me and Jisung should probably get going, Thanks for having us by the way Hyunjin" Chris says him and Jisung standing to their feet. "of course you guys are really fun I wish we could do this another time"

"I should probably get going as well walk me out?" Minho asks and I agree walking the three of them to the door leaving Felix to clean the rest of the backyard by himself.

As we made it to the front door Chris and Jisung decided to wait for their ride because they were way too drunk to drive and I followed Minho to his car. I started to feel bad did I make it weird between us by doing that maybe I shouldn't have I could only imagine what Felix was feeling at that moment.

Me and Minho both burst into giggles after making eye contact. "Today was fun I hope I can spend more days like this with you" He says taking my hand into his. "You mean you didn't mind my friends crashing our study date?"

"No of course not, their really fun people, and a date?" He says smirking at me and I shake my head realizing what I had just said.  "I didn't mean well you know" "I do goodnight Hyunjin call me okay?" He says and I purse my lips watching him get into his car and drive away.

I just licked frosting off of another guy's neck and he was still so swooned by me. I feel really fucking good right now. Eventually, Chris and Jisung left and It was now just me and Felix. I came back into the house and found him clearing the dining room where we had eaten.

"You don't have to clean" "I want to" He says and silently help him clear the dishes just like the first time we met. After we were done I dried my hands while Felix left to get his jacket from the living room. For some reason I wanted him to stay just a little bit longer.

This was the first time In a while we didn't argue actually enjoyed our time together. But I decided not to ask. His phone was lighting up a lot so I figured his parents wanted him home.

But I decided to be a bit more nosy. He was getting notifications from an app called Onlyfans. Whatever social media platform it was he was super popular on it.

He came back into the kitchen to grab his phone and charger before saying goodbye. "Hey I gotta go see you around," He says seemingly in a hurry, and walked him to the door.

"Goodnight Felix, see you around" I lean my head on the door frame watching him walk across the street and into his house.

Make up your mind Hwang. Who do you really want.


Just to clarify the ages so theres no confusion

Hyunjin is 19
Felix is 19
Jisung is 20
Chris is 22
Minho is 21

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