Chapter 27

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Felix Lee thats the tweet


Today me and Felix decided to enjoy a day off and go to the beach. Summer break had finally arrived and we wanted to grill and enjoy the sun and sea with a few friends.

I handed my friend Lia a bottle of sunscreen from my bag while we watched Felix struggle with the fire. Lia was a part of the Lgtbq+ club and has been a great friend to me for some time. She updated me on what was happening ever since I left the club.

Minho was no longer a part of the club as he graduated. She and her girlfriend Ryujin were now the president of the club and she begged me to come back and become a pillar of the club but as for now, everything was still on the table.

"We have to prepare for the new students arriving this year and get some more recruitments...I'm sure you'd love to any ideas for me?" She budged and I laughed at her trying to get me to join again.

"Bake a few cookies and hand them out on entrance day" I suggest and she nods continuing to spread the lotion over her legs.

"Babe can you text Jisung and tell him to bring more charcoal," Felix asks with his hands full and I smirk at him "Please.."

"Why of course my love" I say picking up my phone and relaying the message to Jisung who hopefully hasn't left the store yet. "Chris should be here in any minute," Felix says tossing me cold water from the cooler.

He probably noticed how hot I was getting "That guy graduated as well right?" Lia asks. "Yea, his graduation party was...wild" I laugh thinking back to his party a few weeks ago.

Let's just say Chris has a boot on his foot.

We chatted a little longer and the beach became more packed with our friends arriving one by one.

Chris and Jisung finally arrived.

With one more plus one


I had started to think he had gone back to Korea. What was he doing here? I'm sure Felix didn't invite him maybe Chris.

What did it matter Hyunjin Felix probably doesn't even give a fuck about him anymore. He's yours.

But I still wondered how they would react to seeing each other.

I chose to stand off to the side pretending to listen to what the girls were talking about and watching everything unfold.

Felix did a double take seeing him and Chris approach. He glanced at Chris who looked away before looking at Changbin and over to me. "Long time no see kid," Changbin says happily pulling Felix into a hug and patting his back.

Felix froze not hugging him back and looking over at me. I pretended not to see and took a sip out of my Coke. "Hyunjin tell her these shoes are not it, they look like granny sandals," Ryujin says slapping my arm and poking fun at her girlfriend.

"Yea, girl those are....not it" "NOT TOO MUCH!" Lia yells and I peek out the corner of my eye looking to see how the interaction was going and notice Changbin walking over to me.

What the fuck

What does he want with me?

"Nice seeing you Hyunjin" He says greeting me and patting my back. "Oh hey, nice to see you too thanks for coming!" He was being so friendly. Maybe I should let up on him and give him a chance. He hasn't done anything wrong, yet.

Is it weird to be friends with your boyfriend's ex?

Oh, how I wish Seungmin was here he would definitely know.

"Your getting in the water right"

"Of course, I brought my swimming trunks and everything" I lowkey tuned out his small talk and looked for Felix before seeing him glaring at the back of Changbin's head. That is definitely not a good sign.

Chris came up behind him and spoke something in his ear, the mood seeming to change.

"Hey, Jooyeon's bringing beer you guys want something from the store?" Lia asks saving me from this terrible conversation. I take the phone and converse with him for a while just to get away for a moment.

I join the rest of the boys after and notice Felix and Changbin missing. I looked around for them for a brief second. "Where's Felix" I ask Jisung. "He went to have a conversation with Changbin," He says munching on a burger.

"A conversation?" I ask and he looks over at Chris. "Look I know you hate me for bringing him, but Changbin is a good friend...and I'm not sure what their conversing about right now but It's been a while they should work things out in priv-" I didn't let Chris finish what he was saying before walking towards the bathroom to look for them.

I respect them as his friends, but I think it's ridiculous to disregard me as his boyfriend. Friends or not there's a boundary.

I approach the small wash house and stand next to the door peeping in at Felix and Changbin talking in the lowest voices they could but the huskiness in both of their tones didn't help.

"I'm the new kid can I not make friends?" Changbin asks

"Not my friends and especially, not my boyfriend I know what you're doing Changbin just leave us alone"

"Lee just because we aren't dating anymore doesn't mean Chris and Jisung aren't my friends anymore they love me!"

"Do they? Have you even called and checked up on them while you were away? Exactly"

"I don't know why you are so hostile towards me Felix I thought we ended on good terms"

"Good terms being finding you kissing our teacher after you were so devastated from our break up" Felix says as Changbin looks away wholly embarrassed. It made me sick.

"I apologized!"

"And I don't forgive you...just stop trying with me your not going to get another chance"

"Well, you aren't going to see less of me either Lee. I'm not a bad person maybe someday we can put all of this aside " Felix rolls his eyes and walks towards the door.

I didn't have enough time to walk away and he caught me. He sighed and grabbed my hand not saying anything walking back towards the shore.

"Don't worry about him" He says as if he read my mind. I agreed deciding not to bring up anything about Changbin.


I put a smile back on my face approaching our friends and enjoying the rest of the night.

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