Chapter 23

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"This is just practice for whenever you do decide to..fuck" I moaned feeling Hyunjin's tongue stride down the underside of my dick.

"What was that babe use your words" The little fucker said coming off of me and I grabbed his ponytail forcefully kissing him.

"Did I tell you to stop?" I say biting my lip. God he was so good now. I can't believe I turned him all the way out.

He was much more confident with giving head, taking it and alot more. "What was I saying..oh yeah, whenever you do decide to join me on stream you'll look like a pro" He glanced up at me and I blushed a bit.

What was I on about.

My flight was 3 hours away and I still had to meet up with my parents but nothing was stopping me from feeling Hyunjin's mouth on me one last time.

"All the shit talk and back talk you gave me your lucky I don't make you pay for it right now Hwang" I growl lowly hissing from the feeling.

"Im sorry" "Yea i know your sorry princess... but you look so fucking innocent right now I wanna ruin you....make you pant my name til your eyes roll to the back of your head yea??"

"Yea!" He pants eagerly swallowing around me.    "Mmhmm look at you baby" I wanted to bottom out in him so bad but there was no time.

"Mind if I take a little souvenir while Im gone?" I say pulling out my phone and recording Hyunjin going to work.

He moans against my tip holding up a piece sign at the camera. I laughed recording myself in the mirror completely fucked out.

I point the camera towards Hyunjin who made the filthiest noises. He came off a strong saliva falling from his lips looking beautiful as ever.


I eventually came and it was time to say goodbye. I gave Hyunjin the spare key to my apartment incase he ever wanted to come here and have some alone time.

"Promise you'll call when you land" He says giving me a sad look. I rubbed his cheek and kissed him softly. "I promise"

It was going to be a long and unbearable flight with my parents. "I wish you'd come" I say bringing my bags out the door.  "We can go next time or have a road trip like we planned"

"Next summer right?" He nods, happy I remembered.  "Don't have too much fun while Im gone, If it gets lonely you'll have Chan and Jisung I already told them to look out for you while I'm gone"

"Awe how sweet but I don't need anyone watching over me, But I appreciate the gesture, I think i'll get some milk tea with them tomorrow" He says pulling me into a warm embrace.

"Im so tired" He says lowly and I kiss his forehead realizing it was 4am. "Im sorry love" I say and he giggles pulling away.

"Okay Im going now"

"Don't have too much fun without me" That was sarcasm right?

"I wont"


Chan had asked to meet up at our local coffee shop and walking through the doors I could see him, Jisung and another person sitting at our usual table.

"Hey I say greeting everyone before my eyes landed on another Korean boy, possibly one of Chan's senior friends.

"Hey Hyunjin, Changbin, Changbin this is Hyunjin" The guy gave a sincere smile.

"Nice to meet you"

"You aswell"

While I ordered drinks the boys seemed caught up in Changbins phone as he showed them something laughing away.

I kind of felt out of place considering I didn't know him or what they were talking about. I didn't think much of it and tried to fit in the conversation aswell.

"What are you guys laughing at?" I ask sitting next to Chan and across from Changbin who gave Jisung a look.

Jisung was rather quiet than usual. I hope I wasn't butting in or bothering them by being here. I always seemed to overthink in situations like these.

"Uhh we were just going through some old pictures, All of us went to the same highschool, Changbin is visiting by the way right?" Chan asks. "Uhm well i'm unsure yet" Changbin replies.

"Wow well Australia is really nice you'd love it here" I say being nice.

Since they were all friends he must know Felix too.

They seemed rather really close in the pictures he showed me

"I can't believe you still have these pictures" Chan says. "I keep all of our old pictures" Changbin adds.

"I never knew Felix liked taking pictures that much" I giggled. He looked so cute and innocent.

"How do you and Felix know eachother?" Changbin asks, Jisung sighing and looking away.

"Well me and my family moved across from them a couple months ago, me and Felix became..close and now we're dating so yea" I say with a big grin not noticing the shift in the mood.

Chan continued scrolling through pictures as If I hadn't said anything and Jisung played with his phone gulping down his drink.

"Wait dating!?"

"Yea for a month now.."

Changbin stays silent before looking over at Chris and Jisung who scratched their heads and looked away.

Why are they..


No fucking way

(welcome to the ex boyfriend arc ( •̀•́ )و ̑̑)

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