The New Girl

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This takes place in the "Apologies" episode.

Your POV
I was sitting in class waiting for the teacher to arrive, I sat at the back of the class. I was drawing some doodles on my paper and finishing up some work I have done for this and other of my classes.

Until I heard the door open, that's when all the chatting calmed down. "Good morning students, hopefully everyone did there assignments yesterday" the teacher said, she was some what strict when it came to homework or when we didn't finish the lesson. I heard some of my classmates scoff as they were also annoyed by her behavior.

"Today we have a new student please treat her nicely" she said, that's when I started to listen. I was already good at this class so the majority of the time I don't really listen to what she's saying. This girl with black hair walked in, it wasn't short but it wasn't long either. Her eyes looked somewhat dull, and her smile looked sweet but at the same time creepy and it seemed like I was the only one who noticed because the guys were already talking about smashing her and taking her on weird dates. While the girls in the class heard that they started gossiping and making things up by her looks they were kinda like 'She's probably a slut' or 'who the fuck does she think she is to go steal my man' and others just stayed quite.
"I'm Nanno" the girl said with a smile. "Please go sit next to I-Tim" (I think that was her name apologize if it isn't) the teacher said. Nanno did as she was told and went to sit down next to I-Tim

Me and I-Tim have talked a couple of times before, we got pared up for a project once as well. I see I-Tim as this cute chubby girl with glasses, nothing more, nothing less. My attention was now on the new girl, Nanno, it got me thinking who would enroll in the middle of the semester. I heard foot steps. I turned to look at the window and saw hok he was quite famous with the ladies. I didn't see him as the hot type of guy for some reason. Along side him were of course, his minions or I just looked at them that way. They were staring at something or wrader someone.


Of course. Things here spread as fast as a virus. I could see the couch behind them ready to give the three basketball players a scolding. The teacher went out to the hall to quite them."Everyone let's continue" The teacher said after she came back and the basketball players along with there couch had left. The teacher continued her lesson as I continued daydreaming of the randomness things and ideas I could use for (a drawing/writing/a sculpture)

Time skip to lunch

I was making my way outside of school with a bag which was filled with my lunch. I saw hok and the other two guys from earlier somewhat jogging around a pole and the couch was leaning on it. "So why did you skip practice" the coach asked "For a girl" hok said continuing to jog. I didn't listen to their conversation as it wasn't any of my business and I also put my (headphones/AirPods). I went to sit down under a tree which was close to the jogging boys. Nanno, I-Tim and Taew came outside as well. I took one of my (headphones/AirPods) out so I could here the conversation as I was right behind there sit. I wasn't a snitch or anything but the new girl did look interesting. "May I ask who was the girl at the very back" Nanno said 'is she taking about me, probably not there were two other girls in the back also staring at her' I thought as I started eating my lunch "who?" Taew questioned "Well she had (h/c) colored hair, it was (short/long) and she had pins and stickers all over her bag." Nanno said "Oh Nanno's talking about Y/N, she gets straight A's and B's and that she's that great of a student that she gets to eat in the teachers lounge and in her free time she hangs out in the principals office she's also really nice to talk to but she is more of a introvert." I-Tim said 'Wtf- what teachers lounge and hang out in the principals office?? Now Im getting concerned of what rumors are going around about me' I thought packing my things to go eat somewhere else not wanting what else the three girls had to say about me.

Time skip

The bell had rang and I made my way to class, when I got there almost everyone was there, some chatting with there friends and others doing there own thing . I went to my desk, tacking out one of my many books and started reading were I left of. I-Tim came behind a couple minutes later putting two boxes on Nanno's desk "hok asked me to give you this" she said in somewhat an angry and annoyed tone of voice. "You can eat it, I don't really like it" Nanno said in a more sweeter tone than I-Tim's "don't want it" I-Tim said back I stoped paying attention as I knew they were going to argue. I-Tim for sum reason left class but Next thing I knew Nanno was in front of me offering me one of the boxes while Taew looked at us "Is there something I can help you with" I said in a nervous tone as this was kind of our first encounter. "Not at, all here" she said giving me the box that seemed to be a kind of snack "Thank you" I say to her "I'm Nanno nice to meet you" she said extending her hand so I could shake it "Y/n" I said shacking her hand. She was about to say something before the teacher walked in "Everyone, take your sits so I can start the lesson"she said, Nanno looked back at me smiled, Winked and walked back to her sit. I could feel my cheeks getting heated up. I wasn't surprised that a girl could do such thing to me, I had dated girls before, but none of them could make my cheeks as warm as they currently were. I touched them to cool them down. I looked over to Nanno seeing as she was already looking at me. She giggled while having a smile on her face. She turned back around to pay attention to the teacher.

What are you doing Nanno?

"The girl from nowhere" Nanno X Fem readerWhere stories live. Discover now