Rich B*tch (pt.2)

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You were at Nanno's business room, waiting for her to come as the bell had already rung. "Hello, sorry I'm late" Nanno said as she enjoyed it's fine, you responded "We're going on a little tour" Nanno said as she sat down on her chair and started doing some things on the computer "To were, we aren't famous??" You said confused looking up from your phone and looking at her "No silly were going to visit a friends house" She simply said " 'Friend' " you said still looking at her. She looked at you and gave you one of those annoyed looking smile . "Yes" Nanno said

Little Time skip

You were sitting on this chair that was outside for a reason and that reason is because someone told you, and you were bored so why not follow there lead. "So what do you think of Dino's house" a Man/Women asked you, as they were holding a camera "Who??" You said as you didn't recognize the name 'Dino'. You leaned in your face expressing confusion, you had both of your hands on the arm rest and your head was slightly tilted. "Dino" The Man/Women said "Honey who is that?" You asked curiously as the name itself picked your interest, Dino as a Dinosaur or?

Time skip

You and Nanno we're sitting at the couch of your hotel room you had rented for a couple days or until this messing up with peoples life's phase of Nanno's life chapter "Dino" was over. You and Nanno were watching Netflix until Nanno got a phone call "I will take this" Nanno said as she stood up and left the room. You were going to make it a Netflix and chill as you enjoyed the last time but you weren't that type of person either and you weren't desperate. She came back a couple of minutes later, you looked up at her. "So am i aloud to ask?" You said "We have to find a mansion" She simply said "Mmm but We're broke soo??" You said confused and not ready to let go of the little money you had. "YOU are darling" Nanno said with a smile on her face as she leaned on the couch and gave you a kiss on the cheek before going into the kitchen. 'W-what, how rude?' You thought to yourself as your own girlfriend had just called you broke.

Time skip again 😅and You POV

Nanno had told me to act like dora the explorer and explore the mansion while she was busy with her 'friends'. I had found a small gun in one of the bedrooms which was filled with bullets and decided to keep it. I was getting quite hungry so i tried to make my way to the kitchen but with of course no luck I didn't find it. What i did find was this fancy looking office, my curious self started digging around until I found a replica of the gun you had found earlier the only difference is the one that I had just found didn't have bullets. I heard foot steps coming towards the room, so I panicked and swapped the gun from the office with the one I had found earlier and made sure that it was hidden but still noticeable, you don't know what this kids will do ones they find it but whatever it is it will be one hell of a show. Then went and hid under the desk which was of course the worst hiding spot. They came in and started taking then the same guy from a couple days ago came and sat on the chair that belonged to the desk I was hiding in. The same guy with spiky short yellow hair, I thought his feet would smell horrible like one would, but it smelled more like a expensive cologne type of smell 'Damn this rich kids' I thought as I was trying not to touch his feet as they were close to my figure. "Hey do you have anything besides golf" a male voice asked "Is this fun enough" Nanno said as she took the gun that I had replaced and placed it on top of the desk. The guy that was sitting down stood up and said "Let's play this" Then they explained the rules but I zoned out as 1. I wasn't going to play, 2. I wasn't getting 1.2 million baht and 3. I didn't have 200,000 baht on me. They started playing as I started falling as sleep, no one was dead nor bleeding because if they were the room would be filled with screams and cry's. The door from the office slammed open and a male voice started speaking, it also resulted of me jumping awake and hitting my head with the desk, luckily no one noticed as there attention was on the guy who came in. I heared some punching and kicking and I am assuming someone is getting beat up. I peaked from the desk and saw a dead man... or so I believed and a beat up women 'How disrespectful beating up a women?!' I thought, I could feel a presence behind me. I turned to look and saw Nanno sitting on the same chair the guy was sitting on earlier. "Aww look who's on their knees" Nanno said quietly so only I could hear. I gave her a "😒" look as she patted her lap signaling me to sit down, so of course I did.

"It's not hard, just do what you always done" Nanno said as she started laughing and slamming her right hand on the table repeatedly as the other one was on my waist.

"What do you think money can buy?" Nanno asked no one in particular as she showed no one her business card "Hey stop being weird and let's go I'm hungry!" I said whispering as we were outside of Dino's house but at the same time yelling expression my annoyance. She just ignored me and kept showing her card...


Finally finished, I didn't know what to do for the ending so hopefully it was an ok ending 😅

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