DON'T LEAVE ME... please

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Nanno was there standing in front of her desk acting like nothing had happened. Half of you was happy that she was still living and healthy but the other half was still traumatized because of yesterday's painful event. "Good morning Taew, I-Tim..." Nanno stoped and then looked in your direction "(Y/N)..." She finished her sentence. She sat down where she normally sat. As class started you couldn't stop thinking if all of this was some kind of dream, nightmare however you saw this as. But yet again it felt so real and you should had already woken up by then. Your family members only left for a day and if they were back you've been woken up by your sibling(s) yelling at you and messing up things.

The day went as usual the only thing that you did differently was ignore everyone. Specifically Nanno

You had arrived home already tired of this madness "(MOM/DAD/both) !!!" You called but no answer. You placed your phone in the kitchen counter and went to your room to get changed. Once you were done you heard a ringing sound. It was your phone, you went to check it out... I-TIM... it said.

Umm hello (Y/n) were going to meet up
in hok's house again

Why would you think I would do that


Please just come.. I know it's hard-


Call Ended

You ended the call not wanting to discuss any further. (If you would like you can change what you're wearing)

Your POV

You hit her with your shovel, I hit you with my bat.

I grabbed my bat which was still in the same place I had left it the last time I had it. I put on my shoes and left (motorcycle/skateboard) and headed to hok's house. On my way I called my parents, they said they would arrive soon but this 'soon' they were talking about never came

The number you have d-

They weren't answering you tried everyone of your family members as they all did say they were going to in the same place but Nothing.

I arrived at the murders house. I entered not caring to no knock on the door. I of course had my bat with be but it was hidden in my bag so couldn't yet see it, it was a surprise.

They kept talking about their victim of course Nanno. There was a knock on the door. I just stayed were I was. Hok went to go open the door and when he did he looked like he had seen a ghost. That's when I heard a voice.... Nanno. "Don't worry I just came for my phone" Nanno said then turned to me "Hi (Y/N)!" She said, her voice cheered. "Umm hey haha" I said back with an awkward laughter. Nanno just smiled and went upstairs to hok's room, we followed behind.

When we got there Nanno was laying on the bed "It's a very comfortable bed...It's sad we couldn't spend more time in it" she said while reaching her hand under her pillows to find her phone. She stand up and looked though her phone only for our voices to be heard from it. "WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU SICK BASTARDS"
Voice record... of course

The phone kept playing our voices until all of this bastards started to attack her with pillows trying to suffocate her. "HEY, HEY GET OF OF HER" I yelled trying to get them of her while she laughed. The same maniac like laughter. I don't care how she came back to life I really didn't, I just wanted everything to become normal again and for this sick dream or nightmare, whatever it is to stop.

Time skip

We were back again to this rocky like place and we were all doing the same, them burying her while I sit and watched holding back tears yet again. That's when I got a phone call, I stood up and got far away from everyone.

"Hello is this (Y/N) (L/N)?"

"Yes she's speaking why do you ask?"

Police Dude:
"Hello ma'am I'm sorry to inform you that you family has passed away
they were attacked by a wanted gang that murdered them"

I started arguing with the cop at the same time crying, of course this fuckery was just like one of those damn stupid movies. But really I'm starting to think that this is all real. I hung up on the cop and next thing I know those sick bastards drove of leaving me in the middle of Nowhere.
I turned to see a figure Nanno. I didn't care, I didn't know what was happening anymore. I wanted to cry, I ran to nanno that had a somewhat sweet smile on her face and I hugged her crying into her shoulder breaking down .

I couldn't take it anymore

Nanno took me home, it was a quiet walk home. My eyes were all puffy from crying , Nanno and I were hand in hand and she was swinging it up and down still having that stupid smile on her face. Just imagine, a two girls walking in the streets at night hand in hand, one of them with an innocent smile and looked liked an angel while the other looked all fucked up and had a bat on her left shoulder had puffy eyes and had an frown on her face it looked like she was staring into your soul.

We both arrived at our destination. "Thank you Nanno" I whispered looking anywhere else but her "of course, but are you sure you're going to be ok" Nanno said, having a slight sadness to her tone of voice. I simply just nodded and walked to the front door. "Text me if you need anything" Nanno said before making her way wherever the fuck she was going. I didn't care about what happened to Nanno, she's healthy alive and doing just fine plus I didn't have the head to think about anything right now.

I gently threw my bat into my room disappointed that I couldn't use it, I not caring were it landed and blacked out on my bed

Time skip to the next day

It was sadly a school day, I didn't bother making myself breakfast. It was so quite around the house, usually I had my sibling(s) running around and laughing. I miss them. Without knowing, a tear had slipped out then another then I dropped to my knees crying my heart out not caring if I was late to that shitty school.

I had arrived my hair was all messed up my eyes were of course puffy and my uniform was slightly wet from my tears. I entered class not caring about all the stares I was getting though two specific girls had there head down looking down at there desk...

Taew and I-Tim

I sat at my sit, my head hit the desk. That's when the door opened Nanno. Taew and I-Tim yelled while I looked away trying not to let yet again a tear fall out.

What now Nanno?

Hopefully you enjoyed this chapter and I also thank you for the votes :)

"The girl from nowhere" Nanno X Fem readerWhere stories live. Discover now