The magic bathroom wall!?

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Sorry for the wait, got no motivation. Hopefully you enjoy this chapter, this chapter kinda sucks in my opinion so I'm sorry about that. The pic isn't mine
Your POV

We arrived yet again at a new school. Nanno got us a position as some managers for the soccer team, there was already a manager tho. She had short black hair. We were currently sitting in the bleachers waiting for the game to end. When it did the coach introduce Nanno and I to the team. Bam only O a towel and not the rest of the teammates "Hey Bam, Why you only give O one? What about us" One of the teammates said "Get your own" Bam reapplied "Here you go" I said while I passed towels to the team. "Thank you, see Bam why can't you be like the new managers, treating the team with kindness and equality" they said. Bam just ignored them and gave O a drink "We only get plain water, what kind of manager are you, you're so biased " teng complain"No I'm not, it's only because O deserves it." Bam replied back a little annoyed "Sorry I took a while but here's some drinks" Nanno said while carrying a cooler with a bunch of different drinks "Oh Look everyone the new managers don't play favorites and actually bought us drinks!!" Por yelled as the rest gathered around Nanno and I thanking us for the towels and drinks "Whatever" I could here Bam say as she look at us with jealousy as O also came to the small gathering to thank us.

We were sitting down while the team ate ice cream. "Ok, ok I will" Teng said before turning around "Y/n, Nanno dears" "Yes?" We both said in unison "I heard that you both were the managers of your previous schools team, is that true?" Teng question us "That's right, Yeah" Nanno answered while I just nodded as well as getting an eye roll and a dirty stare from Bam "What kind of manager are you guys if you don't mind me asking, the scary, or the loving kind caring kind be honest yeah" Por questioned "I'm fine with anything, as long as she's not biased" Teng commented giving Bam a look. "Teng you better watch out" Bam said to him "I think that Were imposing, it's our first day" Nanno began "And your paying for our meal, we should be the ones who pays for yours" I ended wishing they would deny as I only had 100 on me and wasn't going to waist them on some guys I just met. "It's our duty it's... we just want to give you a well welcome, okay?" Teng said as he seemed speechless, thank god my 100 is still mine. "O we have to welcome them to our school right?" Teng questioned O as he agreed with Teng and send a wink my way, I winked back to see were this will end up but I quickly stiffened as I felt Nanno's hand going near somewhere where it shouldn't be going at this time. "Hey O when are you meeting your mom?" Bam answered giving him puppy eyes as I removed Nanno's hand and gave her a look "What mom? I don't have one Teng doesn't have one neither" O respond "Here's your ice cream, Y/n, Nanno. "Thank you we both said in unison "I really like the toppings" we both commented "Thank you I chose them myself" O said as his cheeks turned a slight red pinkish color. "Is it good Y/n" O question "Yeah it is thanks again" I said to him giving him the sweetest smile possible. In the corner of my eyes could see a jealous Bam.

"Keep it up everyone" we both yelled "Hey O, go for it yeah" I said to him as I distracted him "Go boys come on let's go" Nanno yelled after me and yet again I could see a jealous Bam "Yeah! Woo" we both cheered. "When your done with the balls go pick up the cups" Bam said as she sat on the bleachers "I can do this. Nanno you can go pick up the cups" I said as o started picking up the ball as Nanno agreed and did as she was told "Sure"Nanno simply said. "And don't forget the towels from over there" Bam ordered "I got it" I said "Hurry up" Bam said annoyed "Okay no problem" This was going to be a long fucking day "And that basket right over there" Bam said to me as I came back with the towels, and Nanno did other things around the field "Can you carry that by yourself?" Bam asked as I began to carry the basket full of soccer balls. "Yeah" I simply said and smiled "Bam, they've just arrived,and your being so hard on them." O suddenly came "No I'm just training her" Bam said trying to be the good guy right now, O just gave her a look and turned to me "Here let me help you, the hallway to the storeroom is dark. The lights dark in there" O said taking the basket "Thank you" I said "Hey O" Bam yelled but O ignored her, a ball was about to fall but I catched it "Here you go O" I said putting the ball in the basket again and walking with him to the storeroom. "Come on let me take it" I insisted "That's ok it's not far" O responded with a smile. I looked back at Bam yet again the bitch was jealous...and so was Nanno.

"The girl from nowhere" Nanno X Fem readerWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu