These two people

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Other than Shitto there are two other gachatubers that i'm just disgusted at.
(I never put gachatubers names out or talk about a  gachatuber themself. )

First one is  Candy Pop
First she starts with a rape joke with William screaming in a deleted/private video  now "Ennard how dare you rape my son"  Which was about a year ago

A few days ago (this month) she made a video of Aftons have disabilities (24 hour  challenge) Then wrote in her comment
"Only made for entertainment purposes. The entire video was made light hearted and showing the disabilities as a joke and would go away after 24 hours.

She also openly admitted  in her second  apology for making something offensive that she turned 15. Yet the video was 21 minutes long and during all those screenshots and editing  she apparently didn't think once if it would offend  people.

During those 17 hours she kept insisting she couldn't delete the video but was able to private it. Which is disgusting since I'm pretty sure she's making profit off it.

The most disgusting part is how quick a lot of her fans started forgiving her and bashing people who were still upset with her.

Second is Gummy_RoseXX
Its not her shipping Mennard is my issue

1. She faked suicide for attention and to gain subs.

On one of her videos she made a test animation with her oc rocking themselves with small irises and tears. While writing in desc "Why are people not shipping Enceal anymore"

In the span of a week she made a post when she saw she  legit had a reddit made of her being cringe commented
"You think I give a shit cause I don't." Yet a few days later she kept posting daily with her oc bawling their eyes out. While screaming about respecting AUs and crying about people disliking Mennard.

Eventually leading to her making a poll asking if people wanted her to jump off a bridge or live. While constantly making all kinds of comments and insisting she was suicidal.

Yet when she got 3k subs she was all happy and was fine celebrating happy about it. She hasn't made any mention on her being suicidal after it.  Before all this drama dropped she never showed any/mentioned being suicidal.

2. Fetishizing/stereotyping gay  men
She constantly keeps applying the top/bottom and making Michael "a soft Bottom" While also insisting that Mike has a baby with Noah/Ennard.  Usually her Noah is extremely clingy and childish. If he doesn't get cuddles or whatever he wants from Michael he gets all mad and threatens to punish Mike.

3. Has no understanding of Asexual people
She admitted her Michael was Asexual but yet her Michael was kissing and showing sexual interest to Noah. Later them changing her Michael again. While getting all hissy about people correcting her with what it means to be Asexual.

4. Deletes comments that have people correcting her with some of the points up above. Or simply explaining in a calm manner why Mike x Ennard is wrong. Whenever she does comment to those people she brings in "its my AU." "Leave me alone."

5. She also constantly kept insisting that she was hated and bullied by everybody in school. Which I just doubt unless she did or said something that made everyone get ticked at her. Since last I checked there's usually over 1,000 in a school, 16-20 in a room. To get that popular I can only imagine what she must have done to get everyone to hate/bully her in the school.

But even if she is getting bullied in her school, that still gives her no right to be stereotyping/fetishizing LGBTQIA , using suicide to get attention.

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