For me only

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I made my way down the stairs; man these stairs are long and it doesn't help that I'm walking in heels either.

As I'm walking I her J talking to his henchman about the one and know her, you might not love her HARLEY QUINN.
Now my question is why offer me a job if you all ready have her, the voices in my head kick in.

Because it's jealousy

No it's not shut up and who are you?

I am the voice in your head that will give my opinion about any and everything about what you do even if you think your right I will say your wrong, if you say your wrong I will say I know and I'm right..pretty much things like that

Well you need to go back in your hole and SHUT UP

As I finish with the voice I walk down the stairs to see a to die for dinner it look so good I think I my saliva came out my mouth lol

As I finish with the voice I walk down the stairs to see a to die for dinner it look so good I think I my saliva came out my mouth lol

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"Oh nice of you to join us mad...." Js mouth dropped and his face turned angry, "WHAT
IN THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOUR WEARING DO YOU THINK YOU GROWN?!!" Oh no this clown did not just say anything about my outfit fit, which mind you I'm a teenage girl I'm 16 years old and I'm about to be 17 in a few months, when yet this clown girlfriend dresses like a whole stripper.

"Okay hold up clown I say with a pause... WHO IN THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOUR YELLING AT DO YOU WANT TO GET YOUR A KICKED, and second I'm 16 going on 17 in 3 months so I think you won't to Chile, and I know Harley is grown and all but she is in a relationship and walks around dress like a whole stripper and you want to talk about my STOMACH being out..oh yea this conversation is over, and your not my dad." I said making my way to the food that was still calling my name, and also, it's a dipper not shorts those aren't even booty shorts for god sake"

The clown looked with a blank face and waved his men to walk away all except Frost. "This is exactly why we need rules but that will come another time but I had my men get your stuff form your place and it was brought to my attention that your have your own business and you have quite a rep in the town of Gotham when it comes to heroes and villains but that all changes I can't trust that you won't give my plans to anyone so has stress of your plate, you can think me later."

I could feel my eyes Turing bule again ohhh he is testing me all right "oh that's funny I said with a giggle, Very funny if you think I'm a stop making my money, just to work for you 24 seven when you can't even pay me as much as I mean by the daily, you see those Chanel bags and Gucci, Louie, and the Dior stuff over there, ya that all came form me working hard by myself and doing peoples dirty work" "and your point is?" He said with a face with no emotion, okay I don't think this clown gets the message so let me show him instead.

I pull out a  Diamond gun, since this clown is so flashy, let see how flashy he is in his death

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I pull out a Diamond gun, since this clown is so flashy, let see how flashy he is in his death.

"See this, my dear friend Roman gave this to me , now clown let me make myself clear I don't work for you, you don't own me, I'm not Harley so if you even think about putting your hands on me you will regret it GOT IT". I said trying my hardest not to pull this trigger. "I do have to say I like that gun but uh no"

That's it I'm done with this clown... "okay then since a gun doesn't scare you let me show you something that will"

 "okay then since a gun doesn't scare you let me show you something that will"

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"Me.....and you will die slow clown" I say Turing into my werewolf form.

(Pretend the werewolf eyes are red like the eye in the pic ☝🏽)

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(Pretend the werewolf eyes are red like the eye in the pic ☝🏽)

The next thing I knew I had my werewolf form out and J's men was terrified and J face looked actually a little scared, "alright alright you have your stupid schedule just watch whatever that is okay and you will teach your powers and what to expect form you right ?" "Yea sure J and also don't make do that again I'm trying to be nice since you moved me out of that street and into a nice home I don't like eating people so don't be the first" "you didn't say hurt" Frost chimed in, " exactly I didn't say hurt" I said with a smirk and walking back up the stairs after dinner, "oh and good night" .  I brushed my teeth fixed my hair and but on my pjs now it's off to bed.

Joker POV

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Joker POV

"What am I going to do with her she out powers me She dethrones me, she makes me seem weak, how do you get on a 16 year old/ werewolf good side?"
"We'll try to do something fun with her show her what her new life will be like I will help you with the heart to heart but start by taking her shopping redo her room and etc" Frost said almost out of breath "oh and what about her education ?"

He was right J had completely forgot about that, "find something on that girl and sign her up with a nice school and no school with uniforms, I can already tell she is not a "good girl", so don't give her a reason to start with me" "yes sir boss" "oh and I'm sleeping tonight so don't bother me I'm going to need the energy with that kid" I said walking off and flopping down on the bed falling asleep, this is going to be a long run with this kid J says as he closes his eyes and fails asleep.

Madness and the clown ( Jared Leto's Joker)Where stories live. Discover now