The Truth (not a chapter) Jan. 15 2022

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Hi guys as you can see it has been a while since I have posted a a chapter for any of my books and the truth is... I have writer's block and I'm not feeling my stories right now and I might just unpublished them I don't know yet.

But I am sorry I left y'all hanging with my books but this is not goodbye I think I going to drop a new book, and no it's not going to be a Joker theme book like the rest of my other books but it's going to special.

Also I feel like I need to read more comics and get more creative with my Joker books because as you know if you know the Joker, his life is all about Batman, an crimes and things like that, and I feel like I am not connecting to that right now I feel like I need a break from it believe me I have tried and I just can't at the moment.

This is not good bye to my Joker book this is just the break put tomorrow i will drop my other book and I don't think I'm going to Unpublish this book abut the other two I probably will.

With all that being said I love y'all little clowns and like I said this is not good bye this is me taking a break and one goal for this year of 2022, is getting better at post a chapter for y'all.

But I hope y'all have or had a blessed day, life, and I hope y'all are staying safe from this virus, I'm not saying you have to because I don't want people to saying I'm trying to force people to do something they don't want to do but, where your mask, and please consider taking the vaccine, because not only will it keep you safe, it will keep others and the more we get vaccinated the quicker this virus will go away and yes I am fully vaccinated and I do where my mask.

But I love y'all little clowns ttyl 💕❤️‍🩹🤡.

Madness and the clown ( Jared Leto's Joker)Where stories live. Discover now