Birthday Christmas wish

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1 month later

It now December, MY BIRTHDAY MONTH, if I had to be truthful I don't know what I want for my birthday and if i do want something it would be my mom back.

When I was 14 my mom was killed, I cried the whole time because I knew my family was it California and my mom had lost contact when she passed away I couldn't go live with family. I was scared but Gianna and Dior was getting put into foster care the same time I was so that saved me.

"Maddie?" I hear a knock at the door and J came in, "what you thinking about?" "Nothing J" I said getting up to slip on something last night the girls got there own room so they are out shopping with Frost. "It has to be something you off in la la land" he questions "I'm thinking about my birthday and...tmi" "WHEN IS YOUR BIRTHDAY?!" "Jesus clam down j, it's in two days and it's not important" "yes it is how old will you be?" "17 now let it go!" "And why is that?" He said walking to me.

tmi" "WHEN IS YOUR BIRTHDAY?!" "Jesus clam down j, it's in two days and it's not important" "yes it is how old will you be?" "17 now let it go!" "And why is that?" He said walking to me

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"BECAUSE I SAID SO" I said busing into tears, "Maddie what's wrong did I say something wrong?" "J I...sorry I just miss her...she just made my birthday so perfect and now she gone and not here to spend my birthday with me" I said crying in his arms, "who is she Maddie?" "My Mother" I said looking dead into his eyes. "I think It's time you told me what happened".

" my mom had me when she was 18, I was born and raised up in California, that's where me blood family is and that's where my mom struggled to keep a job, bills where coming in quicker then your anger" I said causing him to chuckle, "so we got kicked out of our little small apartment and we had to go live with my grandmother who was still upset that my mom got pregnant and chose not to be a doctor as she wanted. So for my 13 birthday my mom supersize me and tells me we are moving to New York because for some reason we both loved visiting some friends and family also in New York. We stayed in the Bronx for a year until a incident happen" "what kind a incident happened?" J asked completely listing to me the hold time. "She meet this guy at work, he was a really good man and had a daughter 2 year older than me, Tianna was her name and Braden was his, they got engaged and move in, but us not knowing that my father was still in love and obsessed with my mother and followed us from California to New York and one night Brandon and Tianna went out to get food we ordered for movie night and there was a knock on the door and there he was screaming, my mother was screaming for him to leave but he refused and started spreading his dislike that my mother was in another relationship and was getting married so then he had enough and pulled out the gun shoot her right in front of my eyes But when he saw me I had already had a gun pointed at him so if he tried to hurt me I could get to him first so he just ran, I called 911 and by the time they got there and got her to the hospital she passed away there, and being that my mother and stepdad were never married I couldn't go to them so they had to put me up for foster care and that's how I ended up in the Gotham, I lost touch with my family in California, I lost touch with Brandon and Tianna, and spent my 14, 15, and 16th birthday here with no family, and that's why I don't want to celebrate my birthday is because she died the day after."

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