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Y/n changed into a different hospital gown after she stepped out of the shower.  She had healed most of the way but she definitely was still healing some. Her dad had constantly checked on her, the first thing he asked is if she would be able to play lacrosse soon.. Typical. Stiles had caught her up on what she missed aapparently she was a hale and that all got confirmed by her father. This was all so crazy for her to comprehend

Stiles was sprawled out over several chairs in the lobby of the hospital wing where the girls were admitted, where he has fallen asleep and is talking out his dreams under his breath "Yes, just like that... No, you first"

Melissa walked into the lobby and gave Stiles a weird look, but he remained asleep

"Oh, me first?" Stiles chuckled and snorted in his sleep, his hand falling off of the chair he was asleep on. Inside Lydia's room, she had just gotten out of bed, and her father looked at her
"You want help getting in the shower?"

"Maybe if I was four, and still taking bubble baths" Lydia scoffed and limped into the bathroom her father sighing behind her

"Right. I'll just wait outside, then... Where it's slightly less sarcastic"
Mr. Martin steped outside and noticed Stiles passed out "He's been here all night?"

"He's been here all weekend." Melissa looked at stiles

Stiles was kissing the air as a nurse walked up and changed the trashbag beside him

"You're dirty" Stiles spoke before he suddenly woke

He sat up and looked at his surroundings hitting the balloon he brought when it got in his way


Stiles walked into y/n's room "s'your dad gone?"

"Yeah your fine" she chuckled brushing her hair

"You want anything from the vending machine, they have Reese's" Stiles questioned the girl

"Sure" She smiled as him through the mirror she was looking in

Stikes walked out of the room as the girl continued to brush her hair. She heard a loud crash before rolling her eyes knowing it was Stiles. she went back to her hair when suddenly she heard a scream and stopped what she was doing

"Lydia?" She gasped as she listened to see what happened in the heat of the moment she knew Lydia was in trouble, the girl looked around the room before grabbing Stiles flannel that he left in the room and she ran out the door of her room before she ran towards the elevator and closed the doors  before anyone else could get on

This could be dumb but Lydia was her first friend when she started school here even though they drifted apart she still cared about her. The girl made it to the first floor andwalkrd past the rooms work doctors in them slowly so they didn't get suspicious, then when she saw the chance she ran for the doors

Coach walked back into his daughters room seeing stiles looking around, he stood in the door staring at him "Stilinksi, where the hell is my daughter"

"oh heyyy coach" Stiles turned around awkwardly


"Naked? As in nude?" The sherrif asked his eyebrows furrowing

"I'm pretty sure they mean the same thing, but yes- as far as we know, she left here clothing-optional."

"All right. You checked the whole hospital, right?" Stilinski asked Melissa

"Every last corner." She answered

"Nothing suspicious?" He continued

"Nothing. She just took off." Melissa sighed

Stiles walked out of your room after coach "y/n's gone the windows open as well, she left to find Lydia I'm sure of it" He panicked

I'm Not A Hero //Stiles Stilinski x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now