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This chapter is so short just a pre warning I couldn't find enough to include her in so here it is😅


The girl continued to wait for a call it even just a text, she had a bad feeling about something,someone needed help So obviously being the smart decision she left Issac to sleep and left in a hurry on her way out

She didn't know where she was going but When she had arrived she looked up and it was the public pool she heard a shriek and that made her run towards the noise she looked ahead to see Lydia staring beside the pool, following the girls gaze she spotted the blood her eyes trailer all the way up until she saw the body "holy shit" Lydia turned around at the noise  she walked to y/n who then spoke again "have you called the police?"

"Of course" she stated the obvious

"Have you called Stiles" she asked

"What, no"

"Call him"


Within minutes Stiles arrived at the pool

"Lydia? Lydia? Lydia, are you okay?" He stopped in his tracks seeing y/n with her  comforting her

"I'm okay. That, over there..." She mentioned towards the body "Not okay."

"Yeah, all right. I'm gonna call my dad."

"I already called 911." Lydia told him

"You called the police before you called me?" Stiles acted offended

"I'm supposed to call you first when I find a dead body?" She asked obviously shaken up

"Yes!" He yelled out, before looking at y/n who was talking to scott on the phone

"Are you sure?"

"Yep. Throat ripped out, blood everywhere." She sighed

"It's like the frickin' shining over here. Two little twin girls come out of the woods, start asking me to play with them forever and ever, I'm not gonna be surprised." Stiles added in the background

"Can you get a little closer to make sure it was them?"

"Make sure it was them?" She asked confused "Scott, who else is going around ripping throats out?"

"Please just do it."

The girl sighed and went closer to the body examining it, yep definitely them. Her gaze looked down to the ring on his hand 'purity'

Well shit


Meanwhile Issac had ended up leaving y/n's room as some time in the night, he was now in the car with Derek as Scott talked to chris

"Do you think this is gonna work?" Issac asked not looking at Derek


"Me neither." After a moment of silence Issac spoke up again looking over at him "So your, uh... your sister... Y/-" Derek gave him a look "Sorry, yeah, it's... It's bad timing, I'm sorry. I'll ask later. It's fine." Derek looked at him once again a glare on his face "Or never" he nodded 'Yeah, yeah, I'm good with never."


Y/n waited outside lydias house while Stiles brought her in safely this was for sure awkward but it's okay Stiles rushed out of the house and without a word pulled her to get in the car and drove off he called Melissa in a hurry as they made their way to the hospital

"Hey." Stiles said as they walked in

"Over here." She began walking with them "And if you tell anyone that I showed you this, I swear to God, I will kill you painfully and slowly."

"Why do you want to show us a body weve already seen?" Y/n asked as she pulled them into a room

"Because you haven't seen everything." She lifted the taro off the body

"See this around his neck? That's a ligature mark. That means that he was strangled with something, like cord, rope..."

"ah, okay" Stiles nodded "wait a second. What kind of werewolf strangles someone? You know, that's not very werewolf-y."

"My thoughts exactly. And then there's this." She shower then the head

"God, man, what is that? Is that brain matter?" Stiles grimaced "Yeah, it's brain matter, of course."

"See the indentation?" She sighed "He was hit in the back of the head, hard enough to kill him. In fact, any one of these things could have killed him. I mean, someone seriously wanted this poor kid dead."

"All right, so then this couldn't have been Boyd or Cora, you know? They wouldn't have done all that. So maybe this is just one murder. I mean, maybe it's just a random coincidence." Stiles offered

"I don't think it was just one."

"How come?" Y/n asked

"Because that girl over there, she's got the exact same injuries." Melissa mentioned toward the other body "The M.E. said this one wasn't just strangled." She lifted the taro off her "Whoever did it used a garrote, which is a stick that you put through the rope, and you just kind of keep twisting, and..." She looked over "Stiles? Oh, my God, did you know her? I'm so sorry. I didn't even think."

Y/n was too stunned to speak, she did not mean what she said. She did bit want this girl dead

"I was... I was at her party. It was her birthday. Her name is Heather." Tests flooded his vision

"Okay, we need to call your father, 'cause you're a witness."She told him, stiles had to of made a connection

"Stiles?" Y/n asked

"Has anyone else been through here tonight? Any... any other bodies, or even anybody missing?" Stoked looked frantically

"Uh, no, no bodies, but, um..." She thought about it


"Two girls. They brought the first one in, Caitlin, for a tox screen, and then I overheard that her girlfriend, Emily, just disappeared. I mean, they were out in the woods and-"

"Nobody's found her yet?" Y/n asked

"I don't know." Melissa shook her head

"Okay, first one." Stiles asked


"Okay. Is she here? Is she here right now?" He continued

"I think so."

"Okay, where?" Sticks went to leave

"Okay, okay, wait. Just wait a minute." Y/n stopped him she was even confused

"I have to talk to her." He demanded

"Why?" Melissa asked confused

"Because I think I know what's" happening."

And soon enough Stiles and Melissa we're in the room talking to the girl, y/n kept watch even though she had no idea what was so important for him to talk to her about but it seemed urgent whatever it was. Stoked came out of the room and looked at the girl

"They're all virgins"

She didn't know what to make of it



Stiled and y/n we're showing scott: the bodies and what they knew

"So Boyd and Cora might not have killed anyone?" Scott asked

"You're gonna wish they did." Stiled shook his head as he placed the taro back over Heather

"Why?" Scott: looked at him ownicked

"I'm not exactly sure yet. the other girl who was out in the woods, Emily? Eventually they're gonna find her. She's one of them." He shook his head "Emily, Heather... That guy Lydia found at the pool. All three were virgins... And they're all gonna have the same three injuries... strangled, throat slashed, head bashed in. It's called the threefold death."

"so if these aren't random killings, then what are they?" Scott asked

"Sacrifices." Y/n nodded "Human sacrifices."


1217 words

I'm Not A Hero //Stiles Stilinski x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now