Room 14: Les Miz Rant

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I saw Les Miz. Yayayayayay! I should be happy. But it was a high school production. This is a rant chapter, so if you're a theatre kid, you'll understand.
Things Thant were just frustrating:
1. They didn't sing -------- Bring Him Home!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!😩😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😰😰😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😵😵😵😵😵😲😲😲😲😲😶speechless. I know right?????! Maddening. Really, it is.
2. They didn't sing -------- On My Own!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Repeat emojis. Gaaaaaaaaaaaacccckkkkkkk.
3. Or Heart Full Of Love. So no one understood it! People who saw didn't understand unless they knew about it.
4. One second Eponine was there, the next she's dead.
5. One second Javert is there, they don't show his suicide.
6. They changed the lyrics to I Dreamed a Dream, but let them say h*ll in Wedding Chorale. PEOPLE!
7. The only good singer was Javert (Stars).
8. None of them could hold out their notes for long.
10. One minute they met each other, the next Marius and Cosette are getting married.
11. Someone (in the audience) pronounced it Coseet (Cosette) and eponyne like they say it with a long I. Really? How bout Fantine with a long I?
At least they sang Red and Black. And Who Am I? And I went with my Drama class, so we got to skip school;)
Sorry I know I'm being harsh and it's a high school production, but they cut way too much out. Overall C+. Now on to the fact that Cassie Levy left Les Miz on Broadway😫😫😪 love her❤️❤️

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