Poll 15 Room 32: Broadway.com Vlogs

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My favourites (I haven't seen all of them):
1. Hey Kid. OH MY OZ IT'S SO FRIDGE-ING GOOD. James Snyder is seriously the cutest guy on Broadway. Not like looks cute, just adorable.
2. Looks Not Books. Actually this is tied for first. Love Lesli. Half watching that and writing at the same time right now.
3. Daaè Days. Who else just adores Sierra Vloggess??! I mean...*ahem* Boggess...
4. Going Bridal. Again Sierra Boggess. Also #ChipChoices ! That cast looks so fun. And TYNE DALY!!!!!!!
5. Think Pink! Kara Lindsay is awesooommmmmeee. And Granny. Is. Just. Granny. Who. Is. HILARIOUS. 😂😂😂😂 died laughing. "Granny, why is Beth next to the wine? She must be wasted..." that was from memory BOO YAH!! But idk if that's the exact quotes...
6. Natural Woman. I love Jessie Mueller so much. I love Beautiful. The cast amazing. She's awesome.
7. Never Grow Up. LMK is so fridgeing adorable. And she's British!! Brits are jus naturally cooler. And Finding Neverland is such a beautiful show...

What are your favourite vlogs? If you don't know any, GO WATCH SOME.

Once again I own nothing except the opinions. The opinions are solely MINE. © my opinions and broadway.com

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