Poll 3 Room 10: New Year's Resolutions

73 7 10

So I know it's kinda past time where people are making their resolutions and stuff, BUT I still want to know! And something you'd like to see more/less of in 2015.

Some of my resolutions are eating healthier (like everyone else, I know), reading The Odessey, Pride & Prejudice (finished it!!!), Persuasion, finish a Wattpad story for y'all, and get better grades...like 100%s

One thing I'd like to see LESS of: Elsa, Let it Go, and Frozen in general. I'm not a hater, but it does get really really annoying.

One thing I'd like to see more of: peace. And more people trying their best. Not you guys, you're awesome, but like *ahem cough cough* people at my school....

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